Columbine: The Game!

Feb 16, 2007 09:23

I found what may be the biggest black eye to the game industry, and I’m STILL having a hard time realizing that it actually exists, and this is not a sick, perverted joke.

Super Columbine Massacre RPG!

Now, I haven’t had a chance to play this game yet, and I seriously doubt I ever do.  But I have one question for the genius who thought this was a good idea:


Come on.  Really?

I can only guess at what the conversation was like in the first developing meeting:

A)  Let’s make a game where we gun down kids in a school.

B) Brilliant.

A) Oh, and set fires too, right?

B) Right.

A) And quote Shakespeare and ramble on about inane religious references while we kill school teachers.

B) Of course.  We want to be authentic.

A) Yeah.

B) You know the best part of this?

A) No, what?

B) While Columbine got people thinking about the violence in video games, this game will get people thinking about the tragedy at Columbine.

A) Totally, plus I bet we get laid for being such social revolutionaries.

B) Duh.

A) ‘K, just wanted to make sure we are on the same page.

B) Dude, isn’t it time for dungeons and dragons?

A) Oh yeah, I forgot!  I think it’s Jim and Dave’s turn to dress up like hot chicks tonight, right?

B) I love hot chick night.  Someday, we can get some real girls to come play.

Now, I swear on every major deity, if anyone uses this post as a chance to say something  that sounds even REMOTELY close to agreeing that games cause violence in children, I will gun you down like a third grader.

Seriously, read the testimonials at the bottom of the page. 
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