Mar 15, 2006 20:16
an odd theory. I'm sure lots of angsty teens toy with the false idea of existentialism. "I don't like anything, I'm an existentialist. I'm so apathetic that I don't even care about being apathetic." These teenagers have not captured the ideas of existentialism at all, and I'm not sure that I have a full understanding of it either. I do, however, know what it means to me. Of course, the idea is that what it means to me is the only important[not to mention relevant] definition of the word anyway. Existentialism is about finding your hole, your niche in life, and filling it. You do what you think is important in order to prove that you existed at all. I am real, but what is real? How do you define real? If you simply define it as a perception of the senses then the answer is simple. My definition of real, however, is a different one. I perceive real as an idea. A single idea. In my tiny existence the only thing real is literature, or more specifically the ability to catalogue thoughts and ideas into a general medium accessible by anyone who speaks the proper language. I have realized that regardless of whether or not I want to be one of those pseudo-existentialist teenagers, the idea of existentialism has influenced me. I am an existentialist and the art form of language is my tool.
Language. It is used everyday by everybody. Girls at the mall use language to exchange exciting tidbits and writers[of the variety that I would like to imagine myself as] use it to create valuable works of art that teach a lesson to the general public. I take the art of writing very seriously, but it is the lesson that is important. Whether I am revealing my personal views on life or the lesson is the simple enjoyment than can be brought by reading, it is ingrained in every word of everything that I write. I always claim to half-ass things like writing, to B.S. them, or pull them out of thin air. The fact of the matter is, however, that this is exactly the opposite of what actually occurs. Only by spontaneously inscribing thoughts down onto paper can their true meaning be passed. Writing should not be composed like poems, or planned too much in advance like you would a song or a limeric. Writing at its best is only the method of transporting an idea. Without the ability to simply write the idea out, how can you claim any true knowledge of it? That is the reason so many writiers struggle with their writing, and hate their work. Overthinking can be the most dangerous folly a writer will ever make. How will your words ever flow if your thoughts don't? And how can your thoughts flow without full understanding. That is why authours who overthink are never truly great.
Of course, a real existentialist wouldn't need to explain this to you, would he? It would be enough that he realizes it and if you squirm and grope for ideas in the abyss what should he care? Well, this is when I tell you that these few paragraphs were not directed towards you at all. This is simply a guide; my rock. If ever I am to doubt my ability, doubt my fundamental answer to the why, then all I need do is return here and re-examine my own mind.
I was going to rant about how I hate the English Language, but it seems that I have run out of time. Maybe tomorrow.