Feb 03, 2004 18:55
another survey yay! anyway i stole this from another person
Current Clothes: black and red hoodie, hot pink bra and panties, jeans, and a cof shirt
Current Mood: sleepy/ bored
Current Music: nothing
Current Taste: gum
Current Hair: up and its wet i just took a shower
Current Annoyance: eh nothing im bored
Current Favorite Group: ?
Current Book you're reading: the lovely bones
Current CD in CD Player: rolling stones- 40 licks
Current DVD in player: once upon a time in mexico
Current Color Of Toenails: black
Current Refreshment: eh
Current Worry: how im getting home tomorrow
You Touched: eh um i think cameron or derek..i painted thier nails pink on the bus
You Talked to: my mom
You Hugged: today
You Instant messaged: courtney she just lefted im sad =(
You Yelled At: erm i dunno i yell a lot but not at people im jut loud
You Kissed: erm jake
Food: tacos
Drink: sprite
Color: hot pink
Shoes: mmmm my steel toed boots
Candy: erm i like lollie pops
Animal: cat
TV Show: inuyasha
Movie: donnie darko or waynes world 1 and 2
Vegetable: carrots
Fruit: pineapple
Cartoon: WAY to many
Understanding: indeed
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: sometimes
Insecure: around people i dont know
Interesting: i'd like to think so
Friendly: mhm
Smart: not really
Moody: yes
Childish: yes
Independent: no
Hard working: no hahaha
Organized: nope
Healthy: nnn i guess
Emotionally Stable: eh
Shy: very mush so with people i dont know
Difficult: yes
Attractive: eh ask one of my friends because i dont know
Bored Easily: yeah sometimes if im by myslef
Messy: I guess so
Thirsty: not right now
Responsible: no
Obsessed: inuyasha, boys, anime and vampires
Angry: sometimes
Sad: sometimes
Happy: sometimes
Hyper: not really sometimes though
Trusting: not really
Talkative: i can be
Legal: no
[spell your first name backwards] eilatan
[where do you live] california
[four words that sum you up] jessies bitch for eternity
[wallet] my hot pink fuzzy one that julia got me
[hairbrush] my purple one
[jewelry worn daily] a clatter ring from someone that used to mean alot to me and a chain lock around my neck...i lost the key
[pillow cover] black
[coffee cup] anything
[shoes] my boots
[cologne/perfume] mmmm i like that rasberry stuff i dunno what its called
[Shampoo] control freak
[piercings] i has 4 this weekend im going to make ariel come w/ me to get another one..mm sams comin too
[clothes youre wearing now] i already said
[wishing] for stuff
[after this] sleep
[talking to] mahea on the phone
[eating] nope
[fetishes] ummm...
[some of your fav. movies] donnie darko, waynes world 1 and 2 and white oleander
[somthing youre looking forward to in the upcomin months] mmm nothing maybe valentines day
[last thing you ate] burrito
[something youre hella afraid of] spiders
[if you could have any animals as pets what would they be] A monkey
[three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] eh i dunno
[some of your fav. foods] Pasta, chicken, taco
[something you wish you could understand better] mm math
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time] kinda
DO YOU...:
[like candles] yes
[like incense] yes
[believe in love] not anymore
[believe in soulmates] no
[believe in love at first sight] no
[believe in forgiveness] yes
[want to get married] yes
[want to have kids] yes
[believe that you know the person that youll marry at this point in time] may be
[cried] no
[bought sumthin] yes
[gotten sick] no
[sang] yes
[eaten] yes
[been kissed] no
[felt stupid] mhm
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] yes
[met someone new] umm... no
[moved on] i guess
[talked to an ex] yeah i talked to aubrey online earlier
[missed an ex] no
[talked to someone you have a crush on] no
[had a serious talk] no
[missed someone] yes
[hugged someone] yes
[fought with your parents] no
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] no
[best girl friend(s)] ariel, mahea, ashley, sarah, julia sometimes
[best guy friend(s)] jessie, jake, dylan and mark
[if none, current dating partner] jessie
[hobbies] internet, talking, doing nothing, cuddlying
[pager/cell] i have a cel yeah
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] i dunno
[car you drive] none
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] uh i dunno..depends
[job] eh nothing im a bum
[attend church] no
[like being around people] some
[have you known the longest] jessie
[do you argue with the most] my dad
[do you always get along with people] no
[who is the most trustworthy] I dont know
[who makes you laugh the most] jessie ,ariel
[who is the nicest girl(s)] ariel, mahea, ummm and sopha tehe
[who is the nicest guy(s)] jessie and dylan
[who has the coolest parent(s)] I do
[who has the coolest sibling(s)] anyone but me
[who is the most blunt] umm julia shes a bitch =)
[is the smartest] Dylan
[who is your role model] i dont have one
[pet peeves] people like my sister
[ever liked someone you had no chance with] indeed
[ever lied to your best friend] yes
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone b/c they hurt you] yes
[cried over the opposite sex] yes
[have a certain "type" of person you go after] yes[rather be [dumper or dumped] nither
[rather have a relationship or "hook-up"] Relationship
[what is your fav. part of your physical appearance] my eyes i guess
[what is your fav. part of your emotional being] im pretty much a nice person
[are you happy with yourself] no
[are you happy with your life] yea
[if you could change one thing what would it be] for school to be over with
Three things on my desk:
1: monitor
2: bettei page mouse pad thanks to josh
3: caculator
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: This
2: sitting
3: chewing gum
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: be happy
2: be w/ jessie forever
3: mmm get a car
Three things I can do:
1: be lazy
2: bleed
3: walk
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: moody
2: considerate
3: deppressed
Three things I can't do:
1: math
2: drive
3: get good grades
[x] most memorable memory: aubrey
[x] worst?: elementary school
[x] first word uttered: mom
[x] first best friend ever!?:mark teehee
[x] love is: a bunch of crap <3
[x] first love: eh
[x] love or lust?: lust
[x] best love song: nnn love me do by the beatles
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: yes
[x] when love hurts, you: cry
[x] true or false: all you need is love: false
_______Opposite Sex_______
[x] turn ons: piercings
[x] do your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: nope
[x] what kinda hair style?: long
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: just telling the person how you feel
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: eh
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?: no
_______Picky Picky_______
[x] dog or cat: cat
[x] short or long hair: long
[x] sunshine or rain: Rain
[x] moon or sun: Moon
[x] hugs or kisses: both.
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend.
[x] summer or winter: winter
[x] written letters or e-mails: Written
[x] playstation or nintendo: playstation
[x] car or motorcycle: Car
[x] house party or club: House party
[x] sing or dance: dance
[x] freak or slow dance: freak
[x] how are you today? good
[x] what pants are you wearing right now? jeans
[x] what shirt are you wearing right now? cof
[x] what does your hair look like at the moment? eh its wet
[x] what song are u listening to right now? nothing
[x] how is the weather right now? cold
[x] last person you talked to on the phone? mahea like 2 mins ago
[x] last dream you can remember? eh teehee josh died
[x] who are you talking to right now? no one
[x] what time is it? 8:23
Current mood: im ok
Current taste: gum
Current annoyance: school
Current smell: nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing: hw
Current desktop picture: a oleander
Current favorite band: umm cof or garbage i really dont have one
Current book: the lovely bones
Current cd in stereo: eh rolling stones- 40 licks
Current crush: eh you
Current favorite celeb: no
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: ...
Have sex?: ...
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Remember your first real love?: ...
Still love him/her?: ..
Read the newspaper?: no
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes
Believe in miracles?: sure
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: eh probably if you have will power..
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes
Consider love a mistake?: mmm sometimes
Like the taste of alcohol?: its ok
Have a favorite candy?: lollie pops
Believe in astrology?: somtimes
Believe in magic?: mhm
Believe in God?: negative
Got to or plan to go to college?: being forced but i want to go anyway
Have any tattoos?: no...i have scars though
Hate yourself: indeed
Have a secret crush?: eh
Do they know yet?: yes
Have a best friend?: Yes
Wish on stars?: nope
First crush: i dont remeber
Single or taken?: im confused on that one
Describe your ideal significant other: someone that doesnt make me cry
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: haha..
Have you ever been intoxicated?: yes
Favorite place to be kissed?: eh
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": eh
Are you a tease?: eh i guess i show too much cleavage teehee ariel you know what i speak of
Shy to make the first move?: mmm no
Dated one of your best friends? erm mhm
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yes
Drank alcohol? yes
Broken the law? Yes
Run away from home? no
Broken a bone? dont think so
Played Truth Or Dare? eh who hasnt?
Kissed someone you didn't know? umm i knew someone for about a day then i kissed him i dunno if that counts
Been in a fight? eh yes
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: ummm i think i own a backstreet boys cd..but im not embaressed about it
What is your bedroom like: its black and has many posters and drums and a can dles and red curtians and stuff like that
Your favorite thing for breakfast? eh i do not eat in the moring
talked to in person? umm my mom or savanna i dunno
IMed: umm cortney or jordyn
hugged: eh ariel or mahea
kissed: jake
had a serious conversation with: me na dsarah today
yelled at: no one
befriended: umm ppl
What's on your bedside table?: the distillers cd, shoe laces, dreams of decadence (a book), lamp, paper, candy, eh and other stuff
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? soda
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: umm i dont know
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: ummm haha id make myslef unfat
What feature are you most insecure about?: my hair i guess
Do you know anyone famous?: yes
Describe your bed: black
Spontaneous or plain?: eh
Do you know how to play poker?: mhm
What do you carry with you at all times?: my ring and my id
How do you drive?: i dont