One of the stronger stigmas of having the bad luck and poor timing that comes with belonging to the so-called "
Generation X," is the fairly high probability that one is also a child of the 1980s, a decade that continues to fascinate and remains the subject of intense emulation, more so than its chronological neighbors. Despite the scarlet fashion
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On the bus i eavesdrop unintentionally a lot. Adolescents talk about the internet. A LOT. Things like "Oh my god did you see her status update? What a bitch!" and "I haven't gotten to check Facebook in days, i think i'm dying!" and "I'm tweeting this." I just try to think...what did i have that was even like this? I guess my friends and i gossipped, talked about what we had seen on TV, or who we had talked to on the phone. But in a way it seems so...different. Like they are obsessed and sucked in in a wayi never could have been about anything, except maybe music.
The music i listened to during my formative adolescent years molded me and has stuck with me in some way that is almost undefinable. Some of it i still love (The Cure, Nirvana, REM, Kraftwerk, My Bloody Valentine, Unwound) and some of it i feel slightly embarassed about but it is just too deeply ingrained in my head for me to say i don't like it (NIN, Skinny Puppy, Ministry)
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