It's like riding down the declining curve of an imprisoned protractor, its leading edge rubbed off against a more aggressive surface, to sharpen it into a masterwork razor worthy of a primeval scientist's dedication.
Soon, all there will be for a duration will be salted peanuts and tepid tap water and buffered aspirin, malaria and typhoid and cholera, duty-free shops overstocked with last year's pulp paperbacks, their faces plastered with swastikas and hammers and sickles and Union Jacks.
The more you do it, etc. The more you think about it, etc., etc. The more you dream, the more you draw, the more you try to remember, etc., etc., etc.
Rewind, one more time, listen again. Long-time listener, first-time caller, please hang up and try again. Backwards again, once more, then never again.