OOC: In regards to Day 8 and Renee

Jan 19, 2010 23:56

I've decided that instead of trying to mix current canon with my fanon, I think what would be easiest for me would be to keep this journal with the fanon storyline that has been going on for nearly a year. I considered doing the verse thing, but canon Renee and fanon Renee aren't similar personality wise.

Fanon Renee is relatively happy with her life, and being with Larry who in RP land, survived Day 7.

Canon Renee is, well, DARK and a loner. I don't want to completely ignore canon (yet anyways) so what I figured would be easiest for my sanity would be to start a new journal for canon Day 8 Renee. That journal is 6yearslater. Please feel free to friend it to interact with the other Renee.

For those of you that follow 24 canon, you'll see how different she'll be. For those of you on my flist that don't? Erm...fair warning - she's cold, dark, and ruthless.

For any ongoing threads with this Renee, the replies will keep to fanon.

Please feel free to discuss any types of storylines, interactions, thoughts on what I'm doing with the character in general, etc. by replying here or contacting me to figure things out. You can contact me by private message (at this account or the 6yearslater one) or on AIM. My screen name is Carmen4118.

Thanks everyone!

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