Just because you call it an epic, doesn't make it an epic... or good.

Jul 12, 2008 23:27

Completely forgot about the age play class... plus, I have heard that, even with directions, it's a bit difficult to locate the new dungeon. No matter, I had "10,000 B.C." to keep me entertained. *headdesk* I did like the costumes and Camilla Belle is always fun to watch, especially with the dreadlocks (Why do grungy chicks always turn me on?). Other than that, meh. It might be nice to MST3K it one day. There was just to much rewriting of history for it to believable (Yes, I can't believe I just wrote that either.). Plus the origins of the villain are too shrouded in mystery. Is he an alien from outer space (Hey, look, it's a prequel to Stargate.) or a refugee from Atlantis? Eh, no matter, he still gets killed deader than hell. And I find it really difficult to believe that humans were *that* organized 12,000 years ago... and spoke English.

Hopefully seeing "Hancock" tomorrow will get this bad taste out of my brain.


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