Jan 28, 2008 12:06
Yesterday was rockin'. I jetted on over to B's and he, E, and I went wine tasting at the local winery. I honestly think that wine tasting there is one of the best (and cheapest) things to do on a rainy day. I sampled almost everything on the list and had a great conversation with the wine expert behind the counter. I'm still not a fan of most reds; the finish is always too harsh. That was when the wine expert told me that the secret is to buy a few bottles, then stash them away for a few years. Unfortunately I don't have that kind of time. As I worked my way down the list, I got progressively more and more inebriated. I don't spit or pour. I finished of the list with a nice port (nectar of the gods).
On another counter, they had some spreads out to sample. I tried all three then went off to find a jar of the one I liked the best. It had carmelized red onions and figs in balsamic vinegar with a touch of port. Sooo good. I got that and a 2006 White Zinfandel that had very nice, but short finish. We spent a little time chatting to let the alcohol wear off a bit. B was driving and didn't have a whole lot. Ten minutes later we were on our way back to B's house. Inspiration hit and we made a quick detour by Safeway to pick up stuff to put my recently purchased spread on. When we got home, we redefined the definition of gluttony. Monterey jack cheese goes well with the spread on crackers. We knocked out two games of Settlers to boot, then watched The Adventures of Baron Munchausen on B's laptob via Netflix. Soooo much fun.
wine tasting