Lets101 Quizzes -
Fun Quizzes Very pretty. WTF?
Very romantic. I see that.
Nice to everyone. Riiiiiight.
Spontaneous. It's not me, it's the ADD.
High appeal. Okaaaay.
Great in sex. I wouldn't know.
Rare to find. I'm good at Hide-N-Seek?
Great when found. I guess.
Very caring. True.
Polite and soft-spoken. Sometimes.
Loyal and generous. Yes and when I can be.
So much love to give. And nobody wants it. 8(
Not one to mess with. Definitely.
Silly, fun and sweet. What am I, candy?
Easily influence by kindness. One of my many weaknesses.
Having lots of ideas. I didn't say they were *good* ideas.
Sensitive. Yup.
Active mind. Again, it's the ADD.
Loves music. 9GB of MP3's. Yeah, I'd say that's right.
Loves to dress up. No comment.
Easily bored. True, but I easily find entertainment again.
Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. The random movie quotes don't exactly help.
Patriotic. Maybe 15 years ago.
Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Not that far and yes. No one knows *all* of me, and I like it that way.