Thursday of the long and tiring.

May 15, 2009 14:52

I'm still tuckered out from yesterday. I woke up a bit early, watched my shows, and played a little SNES (Super Black Bass to be specific.). Around 12:30, left for the Eastridge AMC and caught the first showing of Star Trek. I liked everything except the whole part where they create an alternate timeline. Does that now mean they can remake all the old movies with the new cast? As I left, I passed a group of guys that were sitting in the back as they got into a discussion about which series was better: Star Trek or Star Wars. One stated that Star Wars was older than Star Trek. I casually leaned over and informed him that the first Star Wars movie was made in '77 while the Star Trek series debuted in the 60's (Yes, I know I'm a geek.).

Afterwards I bounced over to a nearby BK to pick up a commemorative glass, then headed home. B and I finalized the plans the night before. When he got off work, he would head to my place to get me (around 5), then head to San Francisco. Everything went great, until we got near San Mateo, where we hit traffic from hell. There were no accidents on the actual freeway; it was all residual from accidents and whatnot on the side streets. Our original plan was to swing by B's friend's apartment and pick him up, then drive to the venue and hang out for a bit before the show started. We had plenty of time before we left, but the traffic quickly ate it up. In the end, B's friend dropped out and we we headed to the venue directly. Since B was driving, I was forced into the role of navigator (FUCK!). I tried my best to use the map, but I kept losing my place and just getting flustered. B told me to not focus on finding our current position, but to find something close and navigate to where we needed to go from there. That worked better and we were soon parking on the street we needed to be on. We were then going to use the map to find out what direction we needed to head, but we quickly discovered that we had parked directly in front of the very place we needed to go with ten minutes to spare (SWEET!). We seated ourselves in the second row and just took the place in. It was small and the folding chairs were really packed in there. Emily Jane White opened and played a bunch of songs from her latest CD (Which B picked up after she finished her set.). It was a little different. The atmosphere reminded me of a poetry reading; the audience was quietly attentive.

Theresa Andersson got started quickly after the opening act and halfway into the song said "You guys don't have to be quiet." The audience lost it. Cheers erupted from all over and the mood went from poetry reading to concert in nothing flat. I really enjoyed it, and B seemed to be having a good time as well. The concert ended a little before 10, but there was a second venue next door that our handstamp would get us into for free. B wanted to visit with his friend M (the one that bowed out earlier that day.) so we headed off to his apartment instead. We hung out and swapped stories and listened to music.

Heading home was a lot easier... until the fuel light came on. The last exit we passed had the "Next Gas, 10 miles" so we started to discuss our options. I realized we were only a few exits away from my old job site and there was a 24hr gas station just one exit down from that. With that target in mind, B slowed the car down a bit to minimize fuel consumption. I wasn't too worried since I've had the fuel light come on in my own car several times without incident. I mentally cursed myself for the third time that day for not bringing Sylvia along. We made it to the station without incident and put in a few gallons that would get us, at least, to San Jose. Instead of heading home, we stopped off at Denny's to get a bite to eat. It was weird being there. I remembered the last time I was at that location with J a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away). The only thing that changed were the several flat-screen televisions mounted on the walls. I finally got home and B and I did a little trade. I gave him the keyboard and rebate check he left here the last time he was at the house and he gave me a bunch of non-perishable food he culled from his cupboard.

When he left, I was too tired to do anything but crawl into bed and pass out. My only regret through the whole ordeal was not bringing Sylvia. Other than that, this day fucking rocked!

star trek, movie, theresa andersson, music, san francisco, emily jane white, navigating, plans

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