Aug 02, 2008 02:15
The SX munch tonight was small, but in no way reserved. If the management can't remember to not seat families near us, we'll fuckin' learn 'em to. Afterwards, to kill time, we headed over to the Dollar Tree to look for pervertibles. I gotta say, we have some sick and twisted people in SX... and I love them all.
After the trip through the Pervertible Forest there was a mass exodus over to the theater to catch "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor." It definitely got the taste of "X-Files" off of our theatrical palates. Scarred-faced chicks in uniform are *HOT.* Really old chicks hooking up with younger guys surpass being cougars and become sabertooth tigers. The only down part we all agreed on was that Maria Bello did not make a good replacement for Rachel Weisz.
The real crack occurred outside as the group turned on C and proceeded to circle squick her over and over (We're really good at that.). It ranged all over from C's tits to clown bukakke. We should get a deal from HBO. They could come in and just record the shit we talk about. We'd all make millions.
Speaking of money, the job outlook doesn't look that bleak. I finally responded to the Apple email and got a place in the mass interview on Sunday at 8PM (Yeah, I read the email wrong and was elated when I realized I can still go to Proverts.). I also had an interview in Milpitas regarding the purchasing position. Frances turned out to be a woman (It'll take a while for my feminist side to let me live *that* one down.). It's a pretty laid back company and I pretty much called it from what I saw on the website. I reverified that there would be no sales and got a brief description of the job. The only downside were the hours; the job starts at 6AM to get a jump on the businesses on the East coast. I have no problem with that, as long as the hours are consistent from week to week. Right now, I want the purchasing job more, but I'll take either over the latest pressure I'm getting from Score! right now. And the past has taught me to never stop applying to new job postings until I'm actually hired.