Merlin, Big Wolf on Campus, and Kursoshitsuji drabbles

Mar 14, 2009 18:43

None of them are porn. I fail. Weee. Prompts from comment_fic.

Merlin: Gwen/Morgana, prompt 'soft'

Her lady is so warm, heat rising from the drying water on her flesh. Gwen pats her back with the towel, her fingertips occasionally drifting from the towel to touch the skin too.

"Gwen," Morgana murmurs once Gwen has finished and moves to her hair once again, careful because if she doesn't do it perfectly Morgana's hair will refuse to lie silky and straight and will have to be pulled up in an elaborate hair-do to hide the fact that it'd rather fly all over the place. And they haven't the time for that type of work because Morgana must meet with the king soon.

"Gwen, Gwen, stop."

Gwen does, moving before Morgana and trying to ignore the fact that her lady is half-dressed.

"Gwen, stop." And Morgana leans forward, eyelids fluttering shut, and Gwen, for a short moment, wonders if she should back away this time, because they shouldn't be doing this--the King is most likely going to speak once again to Morgana about being married off--but then Morgana's lips are on her own, and she gives up on thought.

She kisses back, fingers tangling in the wet locks of hair, giving in and pressing her body against Morgana's, feeling the soft curves of her lady. Later she must twist Morgana's hair out and around, but with Morgana giving her that warm, soft look, she really doesn't mind.

Merlin: Merlin/Arthur, prompt 'first kiss'

They weren't drunk. That would have given Merlin an excuse.

All he had was the fear of Arthur going to war, Merlin's own fingers skittering over belts and buckles, strapping Arthur into his gear, and his brain--the part not filled with anxiety--busy trying to figure out how he could follow Arthur without getting caught.

He hadn't even realized he was thinking about it--had ever thought about it--until his lips were on Arthur's lips, his tongue sweeping along the soft flesh, and Arthur's mouth opening under his. Merlin moved closer, clutching the buckles, eyes squeezed shut and feeling breathless. They kept kissing, frantically, until Arthur grabbed Merlin's head and pulled back, stopping Merlin from diving in again. He stared at some point beyond Merlin.

"That was--" Merlin blinked, his hand halfway to his mouth before falling back to his side. "I…"

Arthur nodded, his hand landing solidly on Merlin's shoulder, eyes still behind Merlin. "Keep my chambers clean."

Merlin snorted, or choked. Or maybe took half a step closer. "Of course. Be careful."

Finally Arthur looked at him, the corner of his lips quirked up and his eyes warm. "Of course."

Big Wolf on Campus: Merton/Tommy, prompt 'not such a lone wolf'

Sometimes Tommy felt lonely. Since the world was full of evil werewolves and he the only one he knew who wasn't, he spent a lot of time on his own. Sure, he had Merton and Lori, and they'd both been werewolves at one point, but they're not now, and they both were evil werewolves anyway.

He wondered what it was that made him good and all others evil. Maybe he'll ask Merton sometime--if anyone knew, it'd be Merton.

"--and then I threw my Gothic Fantasy Guild rulebook at the goblin, and it hit him right in the forehead, and he went crashing down, like a sack of potatoes or something, like that time Becky tried carrying the microwave and it crashed onto the floor. That was bad! My parents were so mad, and Becky tried to blame me, which wasn't fair because why would be taking the microwave upstairs? But the rulebook is very heavy, you know, but I'm still surprised it knocked out the goblin, and he's still there, unless he woke up, so are you going to--Hey, Tommy, what's wrong?'

Tommy shrugged, "Nothing," and slung an arm around Merton's shoulders, directing him out of the boys' locker room and down the hallway.

Merton beamed up at him, spikes brushing along Tommy's arm and sending shivers through his body. "So you gonna go wolfy and show that goblin there's no way he'll survive from attacking Merton J. Dingle!"

"I suppose." He sighed long-sufferingly, but Merton bounced under his arm, hands twisting in Tommy's T-shirt and pulling him towards a half-opened classroom door, and Tommy realized that he might be the only good werewolf, and that might make him alone, but he wasn't really lonely.

He wanted to say something, to dispel the sudden desire to tell Merton he appreciated everything, even Merton's many screw-ups, but he settled for squeezing Merton's neck lightly, before drawing his arm away and pushing the door open fully, already wolfing out, Merton still bouncing behind him and glaring in glee at the now-conscious goblin, crowing something about his werewolf giving it what it deserved. And Tommy tried not to mess up his intimidating face with the smile that threatened to overcome.

Kuroshitsuji: Sebastian/Ciel, prompt 'orders'


Ciel smirked when Sebastian paused audibly and backtracked, bowing in the doorway. "Yes, young master."

"I'd like dessert. Now."

Sighing, Sebastian slowly pulled his pocket watch out. "I'm sorry, young master, I cannot do that."

Ciel frowned. "Why?"

"Dinner will be in an hour, and we would not want you to spoil your appetite."

Ciel crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, propping his legs up on his desk, the edge of the wood digging into the bare skin of his lower legs. "Make me it anyway. I want dessert."

After a long silence, Ciel shifted slightly, tugging the edge of his trousers down his legs more. He didn't like the way Sebastian was staring at him, demon eyes narrowed and penetrating, sweeping over him and making him feel feverish.

"How about I give you one biscuit?"

Ciel nodded sharply, just to make the look stop and for Sebastian to walk away. But, as always, Sebastian was back in record time, a biscuit propped between two fingers. Ciel scowled up from his reports he'd been spending all morning pretending to go over, but he plucked the biscuit out of Sebastian's hand anyway, because the butler held it directly overtop the reports.

Sebastian just stood there, on the other side of the desk, waiting, so Ciel took a bite of the biscuit, remembered how hungry he was, and finished it, all the while staring back at his butler, because apparently they were engaged in an unstated battle.

"Was it satisfactory?"

"Yes, it was quite good, now I've reports to deal with." He looked back down at the reports, at the crumbs now littering them, and jumped in his seat when Sebastian's white-gloved thumb brushed his bottom lip, hovering in front of Ciel's mouth until he parted his lips and licked the crumb off, the chocolate bursting flavour into his mouth.

Ciel stared at nothing in particular, mouth still opened slightly and forgetting how to breathe. Sebastian turned and walked from the room before Ciel could gather himself enough to chastise. That was not an action befitting of a Phantomhive butler.

kursoshitsuji, merlin/arthur, big wolf on campus, sebastian/ciel, gwen/morgana, merlin, merton/tommy, drabble

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