Swept Under -- second half

Nov 05, 2006 20:09

First Half

July 31st

The bloody pink banner refused to stay. Her sticking charm wasn't even working. She never had been good at that charm but that was no reason for it to refuse staying put.

"Need help?" Ginny turned, her hair wiping around her face, and tried giving Dean a grin but she was too frustrated. It came out more like a grimace.

"Know a sticking charm?"

Dean nodded and turned to the beech house. It was a lovely house. The picture hadn't lied. It was rather large, all white and smooth, almost like it was plaster. The roof was tilted ever so slightly so rain wouldn't gather on top. The back porch was Ginny's favourite feature, which was why she was setting the party up behind the house. Plus it faced the ocean, only a half a quarter of a mile away.

With a subtle flick of her wand, Ginny sent the banner to hang from the porch ceiling. Dean cast a sticking charm and hesitantly she removed her spell. It stayed! The light wind waved it slightly, drawling attention to the white columns, making it look Roman. She walked up the steps and plopped on the hammock.

The light blue screen door banged open and she looked over. Seamus was standing just inside the house, nodding encouragingly to Dean. Dean inclined his head and looked back at Ginny, who decided to pretend she hadn't noticed. It was...cute. And he was a man. A cute man. A sweet man. Artistic.

"Time hasn't done much to you," he said, eyes darting but a warm smile on his face. A faint blush coated his dark cheeks. "I mean, you still look like you're sixteen. Gorgeous." His fingers twitched and Ginny remembered they did that whenever there was something he wanted to draw.

She was flattered. He still had feelings for her after all the years. After it didn't turn out well. Didn't turn out well. That was right.

"Ginny!" a voice shrieked. Suddenly long dirty-blond hair pushed Dean out of the way and hoisted Ginny off the hammock. Affronted, Ginny brushed herself off. Just because they wanted the hammock! She looked up. Oh.

"Luna." She pulled the other woman into a hug, finding it easy to ignore Luna's soft curves. "It's so good to see you instead of just corresponding through letters."

Luna nodded wildly, eyes wide. For some reason Ginny was heart-warmed to note she still placed her wand behind her ear. "You were sitting in the corner of the porch." After a pause in which Ginny tried not to giggle Luna elaborated, "There are brillobritches in porch corners. They attack hair and eat it." She reached out and grabbed a handful of Ginny's hair, startling her. She sniffed it. "You're hair's too pretty to be eaten."

Ginny couldn't hold it in any longer. She doubled over in laughter. God, she had missed Luna and her antics. No one could quite match her insanity.

"Oh, there is Neville." She gazed serenely at Ginny, who was still trying to recover. "I must tell him all about the snorkack hunt last week. He wanted to know. Want to hear?"

Ginny shook her head and bit her cheeks, not trusting herself. Eventually she got out, "I was talking to Dean." She turned to point at him but he wasn't there anymore. She shrugged. He scared too easily.

A curling finger beckoned Neville closer and then Luna plopped Indian-style onto the porch. Ginny quickly rushed off the porch, unable to control herself. She would definitely have to make plans to go out with Luna sometime. She had been so out of touch with her Hogwarts friends.

She ventured around the front of the house, stopping to kick off her shoes and dig her toes into the hot sand. After a few moments of wincing it became bearable and she started off again. Walking up to the door was someone she couldn't place; it must have been a friend from Harry's work. Behind him though were Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, she was sure.

"Party's around back! Presents on the table with the balloon tablecloth!" One of the girls waved at her and she waved back. The bloke raised one eyebrow condescendingly at her and -- shit! That wasn't someone from Harry's work. That was Draco bloody Malfoy. What the fuck was he doing here?

Malfoy smirked and Ginny schooled her features out of surprise and into anger. "What the -- How the..." She was so surprised anger had trouble creeping into her tone. Did he arrive to ruin the party? To mock Harry? Didn't he know that wouldn't work; there were a lot more people than him. He was sorely outnumbered.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Weasley," he drawled. "I even bought a gift." He held it out. The bag was overflowing with tissue paper. Something innocent. Too innocent. Ginny wasn't sure she wanted to know what was in it. Fuck that. Of course she did. Someone had to protect Harry.

She looked back at him, noticing the way the sun shone off his loose white-blond hair. It shinned evilly. Like the evil Death Eater he was. Oh, sure, after the whole tie-in with Dumbledore Malfoy disappeared, thought to all as dead. Of course, after the war he came back and no one thought anything more of him, not since there were more important Death Eaters to get rid of. Ginny wasn't that gullible though. If Malfoy could let Death Eaters into Hogwarts he had probably done something else, equally if not worse than that.

Malfoy rolled his eyes and reached in his back pocket. He was wearing trousers and not robes. Ginny was slightly shocked. She would have thought a high-pride family like the Malfoys wouldn't be seen in public not fully dressed.

He pulled out a folded paper and Ginny felt momentarily foolish for raising her wand at him. No! He was dangerous. He was a fucking Death Eater. While he unfolded it Ginny noticed a small crowd had gathered behind him. It seemed the rest of the guests had arrived. Some bloke she didn't know was polishing his glasses and placing them back on his face, squinting and muttering to the other bloke beside him.

"Here." Roughly he thrust the paper in her face. She gaped. It was the invitation, right down to the littlest detail. It couldn't be. Hermione and Ron wouldn't have invited him. Why would they? Harry didn't see Malfoy. Probably not since his sixth year.

"Well, you can't stay." She stomped her foot and tossed the paper back in his face. He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

In a superior voice Ginny wanted to crush he said, "I was invited. This is your proof."

"Who would invite you?" she snarled.

The bloke with the glasses stepped forward and cleared his throat. "If I may," he inquired. Ginny glared at him. So did Malfoy. "Yeah, well." He pulled at his shirt collar uncomfortably. "He does have an invitation. It would be rude to kick him out. Harry must like him if he was invited."

A ghost of a smile crept on Malfoy's face and then he was off, walking around the back of the beach house. Ginny tossed her hands in the air. Obviously the bloke didn't know Malfoy. She was going to figure out how he got a hold of an invitation if it was the last thing she did.

It was such a wonderful day that Harry didn't even feel guilty about blowing Draco off. The sun shone brightly and there was a breeze blowing, twirling the sand. He brushed himself off, having never learnt the art of not falling over when portkeying.

Ron gave a low whistle. "Look at the place." He grabbed Harry's shoulders and turned him roughly. Hermione used a hand to stifle her laughter. It was whistle-worthy. If Harry could whistle -- darn everyone who could -- he would have. Instead he settled for a grin. A seagull landed a few feet in front of them and they gazed at it.

"So, what are we going to do here?" Harry asked. Really, a beach house was all fine and dandy but were they really supposed to spend the whole day and half of tomorrow playing in the ocean? Hermione hated sand. To prove the point she was shaking her feet, trying to remove the grainy particles.

Hermione answered, an air of mysterious about her. "Let's just go in the house." Not letting go of his shoulders, Ron pulled him around the house to the back. Suspicious. Wait a second. Weren't those cars off in the distance?

"You didn't." They had. The people jumped off the porch, screaming "Happy Birthday, Harry!" Harry didn't remember being so embarrassed in his life. But it was nice. After receiving pats on his back from his coworkers, Logan, Trenton, Stephen, Susan, and Hannah; a raucous song from Seamus and Dean that Luna joined in midway; and quiet wishes from Neville, Harry sank onto the hammock, waving away Luna's worries, and sighed happily. He hadn't wanted a party but now that he had one it was good.

"Happy birthday!" Ginny said breathlessly, rushing out of the house, screen door slamming shut behind her. It was barely audible over the loud music Logan had turned on. She stopped suddenly and blinked. "Didn't Luna say anything to you?" she called.

Harry grinned and nodded, closing his eyes and just soaking in the joy around him. A few moments later he opened them to find Ginny conversing with Ron and Hermione, anger depicted clearly in her face. What had Ron done now?

"What do you mean Malfoy's here? What's he trying to prove?" Harry heard Hermione's shrill voice once he crept closer. What? Draco was here? He looked around then back at them. Ron was gazing emotionlessly at him. Harry shrugged and tried walking casually into the house but he knew Ron was still watching him.

Finally the door shut behind him and he headed up the stairs, patting his ears. The music wasn't nearly as loud inside the house.

"Whicker," a voice complained. Harry stopped walking. Draco had exited from a room, distaste shown clearly. "What's with all the..." Draco's eyes met Harry's. "Whicker."

Draco had a point. There was a lot of -- what was Draco doing here? Harry opened his mouth to question when it suddenly hit him. Draco was at his birthday party. A party for friends. Not for fucks. Draco had somehow figured out that he wanted more and was mocking him. "How dare you!" he growled lowly, the music almost carrying his voice away.

A sneer climbed onto Draco's face and seemed it was going to be taking permanent residence. "How dare I what?" Not giving Harry time to speak -- oh, damn right he was going to! -- Draco continued. "How dare I come to your party? What, I'm not good enough? Only good enough for a fuck, right? Not decent enough to been seen with out of the bedroom?"

Harry stumbled. This was taking mocking to a new extreme. Of course it was Draco who would do that. He yelled in protest, anger consuming him. "I go out in public with you! The other week we went out to Flamperdors."

"Flamperdors," Draco repeated, tone whiny and cutting. "Fuck Flamperdors, Harry! Just admit it. You don't want me here because you don't want your little friends to find out you fuck me, a dismissed Death Eater. How dare the little hero of the world fu--"

"Shut up! Shut up!"

His chest was heaving out and in rapidly, air harshly passing through his nose. Draco, Draco, Draco. He was so frustrating. So... guh!

"Presents," the unmistakable voice of Ron insisted from behind him. Oh god. How much had Ron heard? "Come on."

Harry couldn't move. He didn't want to open his eyes, to see Ron's face, but especially Draco's. He didn't want to know how much Ron heard. He didn't want to see how much Draco hated him. How much he regretted coming. He didn't want Draco to see how much he wanted him to leave and stay.

Ron's fingers closed over his shoulders and pulled him away, down the steps, leading the way like out front. Only this time Harry wasn't curious or excited. He was angry, sad, and wanted to ram his fist into he wall only so he had something physical to cry about.

The sun shone into his eyes, annoying him. Draco had probably already apparated away. Maybe he should chase after him. His fingers curled. After he calmed down. Unwrapping presents, plastering on a fake smile, and thanking everyone went by in a blur. If asked he couldn't repeat anything he received. There had to be some money for sure.

"Oh, here's Malfoy's," Ginny said in distaste. She shoved the bag across the table as if it would disease her. "I'd be careful. Who knows what's in it."

Seamus perked up. "Want me to check its safety for you?"

"Nothing in there is going to kill him," drawled Draco. Harry bit his lip so hard it threatened to bleed. So Draco was still there. What did that mean? He sighed. So many question, no answers.

Waving away his friends' concern he tossed the tissue paper to the ground, looked in the bag, and promptly fumbled for the tissue paper again.

That little perverted wanker! He managed to shove the unwilling paper back in the bag just in time -- Seamus and Stephen had been leaning closer. Flushed, Harry turned to face Draco, who had an odd satisfied smirk on his face. It wasn't the satisfied smirk on his face that was unusual -- Harry had seen that numerous times -- but that he was showing it about this, where everyone could find out.

Stephen let out a low whistle and Seamus almost dropped the bag. Harry jumped and tried wrenching it out of their hands but everyone else jostled over to see it. No, this had to be the most embarrassing moment of his life. Maybe he could quickly run for the house and no one would notice. Or the ocean. He could drown then.

The inevitable happened: everyone's eyes trained on him, questioning. Why wasn't anyone looking at Draco?

A low chuckle resounded from beside him. Oh. Draco was right there. Oh, God.

"Why'd Malfoy get you..." Susan trailed off and looked at Hannah for support.

Luna's dreamy voice joined in, reading off the items as if they were merely groceries. "Flavoured lube, dildos, blindfolds, handkerchiefs, sex books, butt-balls, leg bars, and a lot of stuff I've no idea what they are, or do."

Don't look for Ron or Hermione's face. Don't look at Ron or Hermione's face.

"...Sex toys," Susan finished.

Harry's head shook on his own accord. He didn't even know what he was saying. Did Draco know what he had just done? Did he care? Out of the corner of his eyes, Harry tried catching Draco's grey ones but they were surveying the crowd, a malicious glint to them.

"I figured Potter needed some tips in the sex department. Twenty-one and still a virgin, are you not? I can't imagine anyone would want to shag that, famous hero or not."

Harry bristled. He could have sworn there was an outcry from the guests but he couldn't be sure. He grabbed Draco's elbow and tugged him back into the house. And so it went on.

"Go get him, Harry!" Dean catcalled.

Neville chimed in with a supporting, "You're worth twelve of Malfoy."

"Can't let the man get away with that type of comment!" Trenton yelled before the screen door shut behind them.

Draco shimmed out of his grip. "Unhand me." Harry found it ironic he demanded that after he got loose.

The floorboards creaked as Harry stomped up the stairs, knowing Draco would follow. He didn't even know where to start.

"Sex toys?" Hermione whispered. Or, it would have been a whisper if the dratted music wasn't so loud.

Ginny leaned closer, one hand cupped around her ear. "What?"

An irritated breath shot out of Hermione's lips. They did not need the music so loud. "Turn the music down!" she screamed. Everyone looked at her. Sure, people had informed her that when she yelled her voice could be shrill, but for them to hear over the music? That was pretty good.

Neville rushed over and turned it down so that they didn't have to yell to hear each other. Hermione smiled warmly at him.

"I wonder what Malfoy's getting at with his gift," Ginny voiced. Hermione nodded. "I mean, he's not a virgin. I dated him in fifth year and we had sex once."

Hermione tried to keep a scowl off her face. She knew that very well. Of course, it hadn't bothered her then. The only thing that did was that they hadn't used a contraception spell. They had been lucky. Besides, she had been too preoccupied with fancying Ron at the time. It wasn't until the war was over that she realized her feelings for Ginny.

Ginny let out a chuckle. "Well, Malfoy was right about one thing." Hermione raised her eyebrows. He was right about something? "Yeah, if Harry's as bad as when we dated he needs all the practice he can get." She broke out in laughter and Hermione joined her, for a bit. It was hard to laugh about the person you fancy and your best friend having unpleasing sex. Though the fact that it was unpleasing did make her feel slightly better.

"Still," Hermione started way before Ginny was done laughing. It wasn't that funny. "How'd Malfoy get a hold of an invitation?"

Ginny shrugged. She scored the area. "Who's here that likes Malfoy?"

"No one. Unless one of Harry's male coworkers do."

Ron strolled over, three glasses of champagne balanced in his hands. "Take one, quick." Both girls grabbed one and he smiled. "Turned out pretty well, didn't it."

That was one thing Hermione would have to disagree with. Malfoy showed up for Merlin's sake! Ginny seemed to think the same because she threw the drink in the back of her throat and growled, "I'm going to find out how Malfoy got an invitation."

It couldn't be Neville, Seamus, or Dean. Not Susan or Hannah. Hermione didn't know them well but she was pretty sure it wasn't them. Not Luna... Well, one never knew with that girl. "Maybe it was Luna."

Ron shook his head rapidly. His eyes were darting everywhere.

"Do you know about it?" Hermione asked keenly. Ginny stopped thinking aloud and peered closely at him. Ron opened his mouth then shut it and shook his head again.

"Oh my God!" Ginny yelled, drawling everyone's attention to them. She lowered her voice. "You sent Malfoy an invitation?"

Hermione almost jumped. "I gave him the invitations to owl out. And -- and he wouldn't let me count them. Nearly gave me a paper cut!" She glared at him, hoping against all hope that he wouldn't mention their conversation that day.

Ron groaned. "Okay, fine. I sent him it." Hermione stared dumbly at him. As did Ginny. Why would he do that? Ron probably hated him more than anyone at the party. "Look." He leaned in closer and went to whisper but decided against it and pulled them onto the porch.

Ginny snapped, "Just tell us, already."

Ron stuck his tongue out at her. How mature. Ginny stuck her right back out at him. Sometimes Hermione was sure she was the only sane one of her friends.

"Harry's dating him." What? "Oh, come on, seriously, he is. Or fucking him. I wanted to know. That's why I invited him. Harry won't talk about it. Or wouldn't. I never asked him."

That couldn't be true. Where and when would Harry and Malfoy have met? During the war Malfoy was void. After he stayed far away from anyone directly connected to the war. In fact, Hermione was sure she heard through the grapevine something dealing with him and illegal substances.

"How would you know?" Ginny asked sceptically.

Ron huffed loudly. "I live with Harry, remember? Do you want details? I walked in on them once." A slight shiver ran through him. Hermione felt like running to the loo. Did he feel that way about homosexuals?

Hermione mentally shook her head. Harry and Malfoy was the issue at the moment. It had nothing to do with her.

"I don't believe you."

"Ginny!" Ron whined. "Then let's go confront him." Cocky and self-assured, Ron opened the door, letting it fall shut behind him for them to open, and crept up the stairs.

At the end of the peach-coloured walls -- Hermione liked that colour; it might do well in the spare room -- the one door was shut. The three of them silently leaned their ears against it, listening. She felt so wrong doing so but Ginny was directly behind her, squashed between her and Ron, and Hermione couldn't really think too much.

The room was deathly quiet.

A soft moan seeped through the wooden door. "Draco," Harry breathed. "You can't change the subject like that!" His voice rose a few octaves at the end.

"I can do whatever the bloody hell I want Harry, and I don't have to explain myself," Malfoy spoke lowly, voice leaking with arousal. Hermione even felt her back tighten at that. Maybe it was because Ginny shifted closer, trying to get the door crack.

There was a creak of the bed and Harry snapped, "That's exactly it! I never know what you me -- Opf!" The bed creaked louder this time. Hermione raised her eyebrows and looked at Ginny. So Ron was right. How...odd. Was Harry even thinking? Or just thinking with his cock, like a bloke.

"Maybe they're killing each other," said Ginny weakly, a hopeful tilt to her voice. Ron rolled his eyes, reached a hand in front of both the girls, and before Hermione could realize what he was doing, slammed the door open. It hit the wall with a crack.

All she could do was gulp. Ron definitely wasn't wrong if Malfoy's hand down Harry's trousers was any proof.

"Oh, God," Ginny murmured.

Ron, on the other hand, placed both hands on his hips and sang smugly, "Told you so."

A loud groan from Harry brought Hermione back to earth. He shoved his flushed face as good as he could into the mattress. Malfoy's face was unreadable but his hand was still down Harry's trousers. Couldn't he move it? It was very distracting.

No one was doing anything. Hermione cleared her throat. "So, Malfoy?" she directed at Harry, deciding to ignore the white-blond haired man all together. It was easier to talk that way. Still no one talked. Ginny was looking down at her feet. Ron had dropped his hands from his hips. "Ron says you're both dating."

Harry's head shot out of the mattress. He struggled for a few seconds, apparently trying to gather his voice back. Hermione waited patiently. Malfoy didn't though. "We're just fucking," he said bluntly, removing his hand with a twist and shoving through them out the door. Harry winced. Hermione wasn't sure if it was because Malfoy did something when removing his hand or because Malfoy was leaving.

Ron was the first one to move. He sat on the edge of the bad, scrutinizing Harry. Hermione and Ginny followed soon after. A scream sounded from outside. Hermione glanced out the window and saw everyone racing down to the ocean.

"How'd you know?" Harry finally said. Looking away from the window she saw he was talking to Ron.

The red-haired boy shrugged. "I walked in on you two, mate."

"B--but," Harry spluttered. "We only -- once at our flat."

Ron's shoulders sagged in relief. "That's good to know." Harry chuckled softly.

"I don't get it, Harry," Hermione said because Ginny wasn't talking and Ron wasn't asking the questions she most wanted answered. "Why Malfoy?"

A small smile graced Harry's lips. "Well, I met him through work. Sort of." Hermione nodded in encouragement and Ginny was paying attention now. "See, there were reports of a wizard selling pixie dust to muggles. Well, I being the only person in the Treatment of Muggles department at the time, went after the case. It turned out to be Draco."

"He was giving muggles illegal wizard drugs!" Hermione shrieked, absolutely appalled.

To make matters worse Harry and Ron both giggled. Ginny cracked a smile. "You're always the same, aren’t you, Hermione? Well, anyway, I tried arresting him, but..."

Her mouth hit the floor, she was sure. "Don't tell me you took pixie dust!"

"No, no no. Draco doesn't even do it. I mean, I'm sure he did at one time, but he doesn't now. Then. He just got off --"

"Giving them magical drugs that could seriously harm them," she huffed. Ginny placed a calming hand on her arm and to her utter embarrassment it worked.

Harry waved her concerns off. "I was otherwise occupied, to say the least. It's a long story. I'm sure you don't care for details."

Ginny shook her head rapidly and Ron scrunched his nose. Hermione felt a strange soft of connection to Harry. One she never felt before. They both were gay. Only Harry's affection was just to shag while hers was straight.

"But you're not dating?" Ron asked, crossing his legs and leaning forward.

Harry shook his head. "No." Hermione went to ask if that's how he liked living but he quickly said, "I don't want to talk about it."

They sat there for who knows how long, just basking in each other's comfort, listening to the faint noises of the guests in the ocean and watching the sun go down. Finally Ginny decided it was Harry's birthday so they should be out there and they all trudged down the stairs. Hermione couldn't help but notice, between watching Ginny's vibrant hair in the fading light, that Harry kept searching for Malfoy.

The party was finally over and the sun had been down for a long time. An hour ago Harry had spotted Draco sitting far away from the others at the beach. Now that everyone but Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had left he headed down the cool sand to him. He didn't know what to say, what he wanted to say, what he should say.

As he stood behind Draco, who was ignoring him, he realized that it would probably be best if they went back to before. Back to when Harry wished for more but there were no complications. Where they met in secret and shagged each other silly. It had been tolerable then.

"Draco," he said hesitantly. In response Draco inclined his head every so slightly. Harry took that to mean he could sit beside him without getting his head torn off. "What are you doing?"

He sighed. "Watching the waves crash."

Harry looked out across the ocean. It looked so dark and deep and mysterious by just the moonlight. The waves seemed bearing, like they wanted to sweep everything underneath to hide them. Harry wouldn't mind if one came and swept him away. Then he wouldn't have to worry about anything.

"I guess I should leave." A light breath of wind riffled Draco's hair and Harry didn't want him to leave.

Leaning back on his elbows and digging his toes into the sand, Harry offered, "Us four are staying the night. They wouldn't let us rent the beach house for only a day."


Maybe being completely blunt about it would be easier. Usually he was the one who needed things spelled out completely to understand. "Want to stay?"

Draco looked at him sharply and Harry couldn't help noticing his eyes kind of looked like the ocean, grey but dark blue because of the lighting. Then the eyes closed painfully. "Harry, what the fuck do you want from me?" he ground out between white teeth.

Harry surveyed him for as long as possible. Once Draco cracked an eye open and gave him a dirty look he answered. "I want things back to normal." Or more, he finished silently. It was obvious by Draco's actions that he didn't want more. Harry wasn't going to push it.

"Fine." Draco stood. "It's all for the sex."

Harry repeated, "For the sex."

A smirk and Draco was suddenly leering at him. "So, how about those sex toys?"

One last look at the waves and they were racing to the house with the chilling air in their hair. Hermione and Ginny looked up from the table when they entered. Harry gave a sheepish wave and Hermione responded with a tentative smile. Ginny looked down at the table.

Draco didn't wait though. He headed straight up and into the room they had been previously, grabbing his gift from the floor. Harry followed numbly. Ron and Hermione seemed alright with everything. They would probably ask more questions later, after they got back, but Ginny... Ginny looked uncomfortable. Besides the fact that they didn't tell anyone about them that was one reason Harry was apprehensive about it: his friends' reactions.

Harry shut the door with a soft snap and waved his wand at it, locking it. He turned to find Draco bent over the bag, his fit arse sticking in the air, looking oh so tempting. Harry grinned and sauntered forward. His decision not to say anything was perfectly fine.

"Harry," Draco groaned, batting his hands away. He straightened, a jar of lube and a deep green dildo in his hands. He smirked.

Harry dropped his wand to the floor and shoved Draco unceremoniously onto the bed. They landed in a tangle of limbs, lips connecting hungrily, desperately. Heat pooled in Harry's stomach, triggered by Draco's tongue trailing over Harry's bottom lip. Harry opened his mouth, entwining their tongues and stroking.

Fingers fumbled with clothes and dropped them off the side of the mattress. A belt clinked against the bed frame and all their clothes were finally off. Draco bucked up, rubbing their hard cocks together. A quiver ran down Harry's back, making him writher. The smug grin that had developed on Draco's face disappeared behind a wave of pleasure.

The feelings were unbelievable. He vowed never again to wait so long between sex. He didn't care if that meant he had to become Draco's shadow. Their cocks were rubbing, fingers clutching everything, and mouths moving between neck and mouth.

Draco grabbed Harry's arse with a loud slap. His fingers dug into skin, gaining purchase to rut. One digit ghosted over Harry's arsehole. He mewled and moved faster, guided by Draco's hand. Shit, he was going to come simply from frotting. His cock pulsed in agreement.

"No!" Draco gasped, pushing Harry off him and skittering off the bed. Harry rolled to his back and stroked his cock, eyes trained on Draco's flexing arse.

Draco turned around, caught sight of him, and moaned, sinking onto the side of the bed. "Damn, Harry." He shoved the dildo in Harry's free hand. He wasn't going to use it, was he? He'd never used sex toys before.

"Raspberry," Draco said, a soft pop from the lube's seal being broken. It sounded extremely loud to Harry and went straight to his cock. "Stop that, stop." Draco placed the jar in Harry's other hand, successfully preventing him from wanking. "You can't come yet."

Draco slathered his fingers in the lube then smeared it on the dildo Harry was holding. There was a large glob on it, threatening to fall onto Harry's chest. Suddenly Draco was there, tongue grazing the tip of the dildo, gathering the extra lube. Harry's head flew back to hit the pillow and his eyes widened drastically.

Draco kissed him, the fruity taste everywhere. "See, raspberry." He licked his lips, climbing off Harry, who groaned at the loss.

"What are you doing?" Harry sat, upsetting the jar and spilling half the contents on his stomach. Draco's grin turned wicked.

"I want to watch." He moved forward, licking the shell of Harry's ear. He whispered, "I want to watch you fuck yourself."

Harry couldn't help it, he moaned, already moving onto his hands and knees. He spread his legs, the bed shaking with Draco moving to the other end, behind him. "That's it. Keep going," encouraged Draco, his breath blowing on Harry's left arsecheek. Tentatively Harry brought the dildo over his back and pressed against his hole. That was not going to fit!

Draco chuckled. "Think of it as a cock, Harry. Use fingers first."

Harry huffed. He just wanted to get on with the shagging. He slid his hand against his stomach, gathering the lube, its smell invading his senses. Without a pause he shoved a finger up. A second and he was moving it in and out, in, out. He added another finger and twisted. It had definitely been too long. He pushed his fingers in further until they reached that spot. That perfect spot. Harry bucked back against his hand, trying to take it in deeper.

"Oh Gods, Harry. Just use the dildo already. I'm never going to last." Which Harry found ironic because he was the one pushing a yielding green dildo up his arse. He was the one feeling everything. Draco was just watching.

The balls of the toy hit his arse and Harry stopped, giving his body time to adjust. "Move," Draco hissed. Harry whipped his head around to glare at him. But that look he was giving him, that 'I've-never-been-more-turned-on-in-my-life' look with his eyes lidded and mouth open, tongue running over his lips, trying to moisten them, made lust pool into Harry's cock.

Fueled by such a look, Harry was soon thrusting the dildo in and out as fast and deep as possible. His moan and groans and whatever other little sound escaped his parted lips were always followed by a similar one. Eventually Draco nudged Harry's hand away with his forehead, which was good because his thighs were quivering so badly he feared he would collapse onto the bed.

One hand curled around Harry's side to dig into the lube. Draco's tongue laved his arse. Harry dropped his head onto the pillow, watching underneath himself. Draco's hand left his stomach and coated his own cock. Harry nearly came at the sight. But then Draco bit down on his arsecheek at the same time he swiftly removed the dildo. Harry screamed in surprise.

"Shhh." Draco passed a hand over his quivering bottom before positioning and driving forward. Fuck this was so much better than the toy. He kept driving forward, the bed creaking and banging into the wall. Then Draco's hand curled around Harry's cock and that was all it took. Harry's whole body froze, muscles seizing up as come decorated the bed sheets.

Draco kept pumping into his squeezing arse until he too came, spilling in Harry's arse, fingers digging into his side.

Draco dropped, exhausted, on Harry's back, lacing tiny kisses over his shoulders and neck. Harry turned his head and licked Draco's wrist. He pressed a kiss there, mouthing "I love you" because he knew he couldn't say it aloud but he needed to

Draco stiffened.

Harry pulled away and twisted to look at him but Draco had already rolled off him. They stared at each other. He couldn't possibly have known what he mouthed. Could he? Oh bloody hell, he had whispered it.

Draco tugged his trousers on, Harry watching all the while, trying to figure out what to say. "Draco..."

He turned his steely gaze on Harry. His skin shined from the moonlight creeping in the window and it wasn't fair. Harry hadn't even said it, just mouthed. "I don't want to hear it." And he stormed out of the room. Harry waited, poised, straining his ears for the tell-tale crack of apparation. Instead, the back screen door slammed shut.

Harry sunk back onto the bed and pulled the sheets out from under him to cover his naked body. He sunk his teeth into his wrist and tried to fall asleep.

Even with an Imperturbable Charm on the room it bothered Ginny. Just the knowledge that they were participating in an act that she might like made her stomach churn. Apparently it bothered Hermione too because she finished her third cup of tea and headed out the door, tossing an "I'm heading to the beach," over her shoulder.

Ginny sprang up and followed her outside. A crisp air blew around them. How Ron was able to fall asleep with those two going at it, Ginny didn't know. He had even fallen asleep before Hermione made it impossible for them to hear.

They sat down so close to the tide that it was almost hitting their toes. The sand stuck to their clothes, and Ginny dug her fingers into it, thinking of her day. She didn't get it. Harry and Malfoy? "That was surprising," she voiced without realizing it.

Hermione hummed, tilting her head back and letting the moonlight wash over every crevice. "What? About Harry?"

She had it in one. "Yeah." Ginny tore her eyes off the pale, slender throat beside her. Remember that bloke, the one from day-care. Oh shit, what was his name? Ignoring that alarming realization she grasped for anything. "Makes me wonder what I don't know about others." A teasing grin grew on her face. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Please say yes, please say yes. Then I'll have to drop those silly notions.

Hermione smiled wryly and shook her head. A deep breath and she said so quietly Ginny wasn't sure she heard correctly, "I'm a lesbian."

Ginny hoped she heard wrong because her toes curled into the sand at her words. She didn't fancy girls. They weren't attractive that way. Wait! "A girlfriend?"

Hermione's head snapped towards her, a strange look on her face. It looked like she was contemplating something. "No," she answered slowly, tucking a strand of bushy hair behind her ear.

"What about Ron?" The two of them had been completely smitten with each other during Hogwarts. That may have been years ago but they still felt that way. Didn't they?

Wet sand flung onto Ginny's arm as Hermione shifted, crossing her legs and facing her. "We both grew out of that. Mutual." She took a deep breath, searching Ginny's red face. "Besides, I'm interested in a different Weasley."

Blood rushed into her ears, making them ring. She was the only Weasley that was a female, unless Hermione fancied her mum, and Ginny was positive that wasn't it. Suddenly Hermione's face was close and her eyelashes fluttered shut. Ginny could only stare at her. The ocean water overwhelmed her senses. Hermione's lips touched hers hesitantly and Ginny's lips opened almost on their own. That spurred Hermione onwards.

It felt so right being like this, their lips pressed together softly. Hermione tasted sweet, like the tea she had been drinking. Ginny liked tea. A hand landed on her thigh, smoothing circles. The sensations raced to her brain, making everything harsh and clear.

Oh shit. She was a lesbian. She liked this, kissing Hermione. Kissing a woman. She gurgled and wrenched away. Stumbling to her feet she only felt slightly guilty at the hurt pout Hermione's lips formed. The lips that had kissed her. She ran.


A seashell cut into her bare foot but she barely felt the pain of little sand grains wedging up the wound. On her race to the house she passed Malfoy, who was looking pissed. A thrill of happiness shot through her at that but quickly diminished. Malfoy was having a homosexual relationship with Harry. She was homosexual, or at least bisexual. Did that mean she was doomed for some shitty of an excuse relationship like Harry shared with Malfoy?

Unable to handle the emotions Ginny kept running. She passed the beach house and made a wide circle, running back to the beach and just running, letting the pound of her feet and crashes of the waves ease her mind.

Harry loved being a twat, Draco decided as he stomped across the sand, wishing it were light so he could see what he was stepping on. Of course he left his shoes behind. Nothing was working out for him. On his way to the waves the Weasley girl passed him in a fit. He couldn't summon laughter through his anger.

He dropped to the sand beside Granger, who was staring at the water regretfully. At least someone else was suffering too. Bloody Harry contradicted himself. Draco knew he was telling the truth when he whispered those words. It was obvious. But he also didn't want to be more than fuck-buddies. The man didn't even know what he wanted!

Draco punched the sand, wincing when it flew into his face. Granger shot him a side-long glance, a weak smile on her face. Draco scowled.

"What happened?" she asked, the noisy person that she is. Draco refused to answer, opting to glower at the water. The waves crashed in, sweeping seashells, seaweed, and sand out with it. The water stank. He didn't know what to do. The overwhelming desire to punch Harry was there, as was the sadistic desire to make Harry hurt and leave him. But he couldn't do that. He didn't want to.

"If you hurt him," warned Granger, mouth in a tight line. She left it open-ended probably because she couldn't think of a threat. Draco tried scoffing but anger at her grew instead. He hadn't hurt Harry. As much as it pained him to admit, Harry hurt him.

If only the cool ocean waves could sweep away all his problems like it takes everything else.

August 1st

The eggs smelled bad. They always did. But Ginny wanted eggs and Hermione wanted to get on her good side. After last night Ginny couldn't look at her without blushing or frowning. Hermione turned around to issue eggs on Ginny's and her plate but Harry was sitting there, sulking. She hadn't even heard him come in.

"Thanks," Ginny muttered, shoveling her fork into the eggs and staring at the table, randomly shooting looks at Harry, who was trailing his pointer finger over the smooth table wood.

Hermione sat in front of Harry. "Stop sulking and go talk to him." Harry looked sharply at her. "I think he's soon leaving, muttered something about finding his shoes."

"He's still here?" Harry questioned, craning his neck as if Malfoy was in the room.

"Yeah." She took a few bites of her egg then doused it in salt and pepper. "I think he felt asleep on the sand." Reaching a foot out, she hit the table leg a few times before connecting with Harry's foot. "I may not understand it but that doesn't matter. If this is how you look after you two have a fight it must be more than just casual. Talk to him."

Harry gave Ginny a look. She merely raised her eyebrows, not helping. Apparently he found what he was looking for because he stood and headed to the doorway, where he paused and looked back at them.

"Maybe you should take your own advice," he said, waving his hand between her and Ginny. Hermione rolled her eyes, knowing it was true. Once he left they were engulfed in silence, picking at their food. Hermione didn't feel that hungry anymore, plus she'd added too much pepper.

"I don't want to be a lesbian," Ginny whispered, looking at Hermione for a split second. After getting no response she continued. "I want to be normal, and have children, and make my parents proud. I want to be normal."

Hermione let out a deep breath, reaching a hand across the table and tentatively grasping Ginny's smoother one. She had gone through something like this when she first realized she fancied women. But she didn't have anyone there to talk to. Ginny had her, if she wanted.

"You're not normal," Hermione offered, smiling when Ginny gaped at her. So she had been expecting reassurance. "You're fantastic. If you were normal you would be boring and I wouldn't love you as much as I do."

The redhead sighed heavily. Behind her Hermione caught the sight of Ron poised between entering or not. He was staring at them intently.

Anguish and confusion filled Ginny's eyes. "I like -- fancy you too. But -- but I feel bad. You're alright with it all and I'm not. I don't want to be!" she wailed, trying to pull her hand back. Hermione kept her grip, sliding Ginny's hand closer to her and placing a kiss on her thumb.

Hermione was annoyed but didn't want to make Ginny more upset. She landed her free hand on the back of Ginny's neck, leaning them over the table, and connecting their lips. It was short but Ginny didn't protest. Hermione rested their foreheads together, pelvis giving a twang of pain from being dug into the table end.

"Loving is nothing to be ashamed of." Their breaths mingled together, calming both of them. "We can go slow."

Soft footsteps registered with Hermione. She sat back, looking at the doorway. Ron wasn't there anymore. Hopefully he would be alright with everything.

"I'd like that," Ginny whispered, returning to her seat and dropping her fork into the rapidly cooling eggs. It would definitely take some time but Hermione had wanted Ginny for so long now. She could be patient.

Draco was found half under the bed, arse sticking up in the air. Harry grinned. "What are you doing?"

"Getting my shoes," Draco grunted. "Unless you know where they are leave me alone."

Harry sighed. It was now or never. "I want you."

"Too bad."

Harry stubbed his foot into the hardwood floor, feeling foolish. Draco surely didn't want anything. But their...relationship was over. No fear in spilling his guts. "I want you and I want to keep you. I don't want anyone to touch you but me. I don't want anyone to touch me but you. I want us to be together."

The arse stopped moving. Then Draco crawled out from under, one shoe in hand. From the floor he looked up at Harry. "It's always about what you want, isn't it?"

"No--" Harry started, not sure what he was going to say.

"Well, I don't want someone who changes his mind every bloody second." Draco stood, crossing the room to stand before him. "First it's 'oh, I want to fuck you, Draco, but don't tell anyone!' Then it's 'don't you dare have sex with anyone else!' Then you whisper into the telephone whenever talking to me, and you don't like me owling you because god forbid Weasley find out you're getting owls from me. And now -- now you whisper that you love me and say you want us to be more. Well, I'm sick of it, Harry! I don't want to go through this --" He cut off and gasped loudly. "I don't want to see you anymore." It was spoken quieter, much more subdued than his rant.

Harry was confused. "What?"

A frustrated scream burst out of Draco's lips. "Screw it!" He shoved his one shoe on and make a half turn before Harry launched himself at him, knocking him to the floor.

"Don't apparate away from this," he commanded, pinning Draco's hands above his head. He frowned, trying to ignore the way Draco squirmed pleasantly under him. "Are you saying you want to be more too?"

Draco stilled, giving him an incredulous look. "Not if you're going to change your mind all the time!"

Harry settled on Draco's thighs and the blond sat up the moment he could. The sun shone through the window, lighting up Draco's hair. "Did you know you have sand in your hair?"

Draco scowled. "I feel asleep on the bloody sand." He shook his head, dislodging almost none of the particles. Harry kissed him, allowing Draco to shove him backwards and climb atop.

Pulling away, Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist. "I haven't been changing my mind. At first I just want to be fuck-buddies, but then... I thought you wanted to stay that way."

"You're so thick." Draco pressed down, licking Harry's lips. He opened his mouth, dropping the notion to reply that Draco hadn't figured it out either. Draco's remaining shoe ended up getting lost.

Ron didn't like a lot of things. He didn't like spiders, death, bananas, or his friends all having relationships while he had no one. Nor did he like being the only straight one.

"I feel odd," he voiced, looking around the room. Harry and Malfoy were intertwined on the whicker armchair, looking uncomfortable but happy. Hermione was reading a book on the loveseat, Ginny leaning against her tentatively.

Malfoy snorted, opening his mouth when Harry said "Why?" straining his neck to look at him. Ron didn't get what Harry saw in the little twit.

"You all are gay." He shrugged. "I'm not."

Hermione looked over her book at him. "We love you Ron. Well, the three of us do."

Ron smiled tightly, eyeing Hermione and Ginny. "If either of you hurt each other I'll be forced to kill you." Ginny snickered, sharing an amused glance with Hermione. Ignoring them, Ron looked at Malfoy. "And if you do one thing wrong I'll kill you too, but willingly."

"Of course you will, Weasley," Malfoy replied, nibbling on Harry's chin.

Ron blanched. "And I don't want to see anything. Anything! Got it?"

Harry murmured his assent but Malfoy just smirked, pulling Harry on top of him. "Crystal clear." Ron watched in horrid fascination as they kissed, tongues visibly slipping in each other's mouths. He was going to die.

A pillow hit Harry on the back of his head, making him bite down on Malfoy's tongue. Malfoy shoved Harry to the floor, muttering angrily. Ginny whistled innocently.

"Yor pay for 'at," Malfoy garbled. Harry sent a secretive grin at Ginny before crawling back into Malfoy's lap and kissing him better.

Ron wished desperately that things were back to before. Back to when he knew Harry fucked Malfoy but Harry didn't know he knew. Back when they didn't even stand in the room together when he was there.

"Let's go to the beach one last time before we all go home," Ginny suggested, popping up from the loveseat and tugging Ron. She linked arms with him and pulled him out of the house, sparing a glance at Hermione, who was following them. Ron was just glad to get away from Harry and Malfoy, but they joined them half an hour later.

Ron sat back on the blanket, letting the hot sun bake his skin. He watched the two couple in the water. A dribble of mustard fell out of his sandwich and onto his stomach. Licking it he realized two things. One: he needed a girlfriend greatly. Two: no matter any objections he had about them, he would have to deal with it. As long as it made them happy Ron supposed he could be fine with everything, even his best friend dating his sister. Harry with Malfoy was a bit of a stretch, but doable. Besides, he'd helped destroy Voldemort; his friends' relationships should be a fly on a Quidditch pitch.

10x10, harry/draco, hpchallenge, hermione/ginny, oneshot, harry/draco oneshot

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