Title: Burning
Rating: R
Genre: Humor/Romance/General
Length: 1055, oneshot
Pairing: Pansy/Ginny
Summary: At first Ginny’s skin burns and then she burns for Pansy.
Note: Written for
hpfanfic10x10 ‘burn’ and
hp_ficathon 5.'Did you know' 2.'Fucked' and 12.'Permission.' So, I don’t know if there is burn hazel over there but hey, it’s magic. ;)
Burning )
These were great!
And thanks for reading!
And you can't write under R? I'm terrified to try over R with femslash or het. I just don't feel the love there so much as slash. Though that could be because I haven't really read any smut in those two.
My main thing is slash of all ratings but I can write graphic het...I think lol I have a Harry/Pansy fic I'm attempting when I'm in the mood and I recently signed up to write 2 HP/HG/RW fics so we'll see how it goes.
I've never written femslash. I've read it and I'll basically be taking a chance on it. If it doesn't work out, I'll lower the rating =]
It's a good thing I don't get my prompt fics beta-d. One beta doesn't do graphic fics (she'll do mild NC-17) but my other beta is a gay male. Femslash anyone? lol
These propmts are killing me. I did great when I first got my tables then I had nothing and now all the ideas for half of them hit me at once! It was like someone randomly shoved a block of ideas into my head.
Ok, I'm done rambling =)
Oh, trio fic. I've never read one of them. Probably should sometime.
Yeah. Lower the rating if it don't work. It's easier then. It took me forever to work my courage up and try NC17. Guh, I was so nervous. Still am by the way. And I still didn't attempt serious NC17.
I know. When I picked my tables I had a few ideas for some of them. And now there's like five that I'm absolutly blank on.
Rambling is fine! It makes me smile. See: (:
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