Title: Ice Dare Rating: NC17 Genre: Smut Length: 1668, oneshot Pairing: Harry/Draco Summary: Draco dares Harry to do something unexpected. Warning: Rimming Note: This is the longer story of my 100 word drabble Dare. ( Ice Dare )
Interesting take on the truth or dare motif. It's difficult to keep these two in character for such an exercise, but the voices were spot-on the entire time. Excellent Draco POV. Thank you.
I feel so terrible doing the Truth or Dare scenario. It's so unoriginal. But that's what I had in my short drabble so... You really think the voices were spot on? Yay! Gosh, that makes me feel better. Thanks!
ARE PEOPLE INSANE? THE ROOM EMPTIED? DEAR GOD WHY. lakjsdflkjasdf i would have been sitting there drooling and doing inappropriate things before that kind of display. nggggggggh.
Comments 47
AMAZING fic!! *adds to mems*
I'm so happy you like it anough to memories it. *hugs*
One small point: 'he wouldn’t have went' should be 'he wouldn’t have gone'.
Yes, I made Draco be mroe unsure because I realized I make him made him more sure than Harry in a lot of my fics.
You really think the voices were spot on? Yay! Gosh, that makes me feel better.
ARE PEOPLE INSANE? THE ROOM EMPTIED? DEAR GOD WHY. lakjsdflkjasdf i would have been sitting there drooling and doing inappropriate things before that kind of display. nggggggggh.
that was lovely.
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for replying. =)
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