Jul 06, 2009 22:10
Long time no talk. I honestly don't even know where to begin, but I feel like writing, so I'll be bouncing around a little.
I'm currently living on Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan. I'm approaching two years in the service, am a Lance Corporal and have maintained my single stature, for the most part. It's just so much easier to deal with everything without worrying about a relationship, although I miss being with someone like crazy sometimes. I'm turning 25 in about a month and I'm officially out of the Corps in November of 2011.
I'm supposed to be working. It's 10PM right now, but I can't bring myself to do it. I'm just all out of motivation and apathy's slowly seeping into my veins. Oh, by the way. I went through with becoming a Combat Correspondent and now anchor for Inside Iwakuni, which is Iwakuni's televised news. It's such a rush being on camera, but it's definitely a little humbling at the same time. When I used to watch the news, I'd think it looked like the easiest thing in the world to do. Nooooooooooope. Not so much. You have to constantly be aware of how you look, what you're saying, how you're saying it, dealing with a crappy teleprompter, a stiff and constricting uniform and countless other factors that can easily add up to one big headache.
I was walking through the base earlier and it's amazing to me how everybody has a story to tell. Everyone was raised differently under different circumstances, have different personalities, different goals, dreams, relationships. It's almost overwhelming sometimes. I feel like I want to learn everyone's story. I guess I got into the right business for it, eh?
On top of anchoring the news, I also write and shoot news stories constantly and produce and edit scripts. I'm also on the radio every now and again, helping out and DJing the live radio show.
I should probably get back to work. I've gotta wake up early tomorrow, as I do every day, and I should actually get some sleep tonight. I need a vacation so badly. Overworked and underpaid don't begin to describe how I feel every day that I'm here.
Good to see you all again, for those that kept me added. Much, much love.