Title: (afterwards)
Rating: PG
Length: 850
Characters/Pairings: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura
Summary: “You know,” I said, “you’d be a lot more beautiful if you smiled once in a while. It’s not that hard. Take those corners of your origami mouth and lift them.”
Notes: another old one with that wonky abstract style of mine, and again, i rather like it. xD not much else to say about this one except i was listening to a lot of cursive at the time, hence the last few lines.
“the only thing I wouldn’t include in parentheses, afterwards he cried to me that it wasn’t exactly fair, we met between the seas on the moon.”
In this stage of the process, we fall backwards facing forward. “I found what I was looking for,” he pronounced triumphantly, (but what exactly were you looking for?) The waves crashing into the shore assure him that no, it wasn’t the gulls pecking away at the seashells, but then how do you explain the carcasses lying on the beach in straight neat rows of infinity by infinity? “Carcasses. What are carcasses?”
He met me staring at the water, black hair doing a dance around his shallow, pale face. “Contemplating the complexities of drowning?” I asked him. “Don’t joke around, I know someone who drowned.” “Oh. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be.” He turned around and looked at me with eyes caved in - do you know - what these eyes can do? (it’s subtext, sorry, you can’t read because you’re illiterate -) “You know,” I said, “you’d be a lot more beautiful if you smiled once in a while. It’s not that hard. Take those corners of your origami mouth and lift them.” Then he’s reciting poetry, syllable after syllable on end he doesn’t catch his breath but he can catch the flying fish?
“I hate water,” he declares. I know. “I know.” There are lightning sparks in his eyes. “Electricity doesn’t do so well in water.” “I know.” Rotate. “Have you ever thought about-” -well- “-whether or not-” -do you want me to hear me say this- “-you could ever find meaning in the thousand birds?” Wiiiiind. “Yes.” “How?” “They’re just something I’ve never known. You could find so much subtext in which difference of a state could be divided.” Now that’s a winner.
It’s not like him to ask questions, so now we are the ones composing the interview. How many flu cases? Seven. How many packs of kunai? Two. How many pounds of nitroglycerin? Fifty. Fifty? Fifty. Dubiety. How many family members? One and you fucking know it so shut up Okay okay we get it. Sorry. Don’t joke around, I know someone who has family members. That’s a rarity in the village isn’t it? So back to questions. How many lives to take? Three. Four? Possibly. How many regrets? Six hundred and fourteen, or maybe just thirteen, I don’t know. I’m nervous. Okay so ready for the last one? WHY DID YOU LEAVE WHY DID YOU LEAVE WHY DID YOU LEAVE WHYDIDYOULEAVE (we know why but we just want to hear you say it one last time)
If you are on your death bed, you could’ve told us. He looks away like he is a no-face and hides his real face with his hands-which-are-not-a-mask. I miss my brother, he declares in a state of vulnerability, I want him by my side. (sasuke, itachi is dead.) I know I killed him, so how will I ever forgive the corpse that so lovingly stays by my side?
I’m ready to settle down now, he says. He puts his decaying foot down on this and insists. Become one with the earth and plant my roots so far down they burn from the lava spurts, so much it hurts me in a way (that i know will hurt you two just as much) why are you two just staring at me dumbly like that?
They smile plaster and Paris (which they will never visit, not ever, not once) and say BECAUSE well that’s the most you’ve said in the months that you’ve died. good night.
In a labryinth below they find the mangled version of himself, a little less than kind, humankind that is, and they know they must kill him.
He has a solution. “Because this is the no-face, guilt will not rack our ribs like the fleas and hunger we once faced and will never miss.” But as he stared and stared and stared into grubby-hole eye sockets he started to (he cried, miseries streaming down his face in numbers) wherefore art thou yorick?
Next to his deathbed there is a carving filed with electric ink IF YOU EVER FIND MY CORPSE IF YOU EVER FIND MY SOUL IF YOU EVER FIND MYSELF tell him that i loved and needed him and (i will continue being messed up because that’s what it means to live to be me)
(the wicked witch is dead? why? but isn’t she…still bleeding?)
BABY, BABY THIS WORLD MUST SEEM SO IMMENSE COMPARED TO THE WOMB if you are dead you may always crawl out again, wipe yourself of the dirt anew.
In the ink-blotted darkness all he can see is the hand extending towards him, a fish (you can always teach a man to fish and he will fish for the rest of his life, they chant.). “Okay,” and he takes and follows it.