Fic Dump (just a couple of twitfics)

Mar 02, 2012 23:18

Title: Be Careful With Caffeine
Author: confetticas
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Adam/Michael, kid!fic, fluff
Spoilers: none
Warnings: caffeinated children? 
Disclaimer: not mine
Word Count: 442
Summary: Michael is fairly certain that when he left, they had an actual living room.

“…what happened here?” Michael questions faintly as stares at what he is fairly certain was, only a few hours ago, their rather nicely organized living room.

Adam is sprawled across the floor, buried under a pile of toys and blankets, as well as two barely visible heads full of blonde curls. “Unnngh,” he complains unintelligibly.

Michael frowns. “Mel, Amy? You wanna tell me what happened?” he asks cautiously.

Amy lifts her head up, grinning widely. “We played with Daddy.”

“I can see that, sweetie,” Michael says carefully, trying not to cringe. “And what did you play?”

“Everything!” Melody supplies in a chipper voice, bouncing up excitedly and almost tripping over the mess of toys. “It was soooo much fun, we played Wii and then we played dolls and then we played -”

Adam groans again and manages to pull himself up to a sitting position, leaning against the couch. “Everything,” he emphasizes exhaustedly. “They found the coffee.”

Michael blinks, and this time he does cringe. “Oops,” he offers apologetically, remembering being in such a hurry this morning that he’d left almost a full mug on the table. In his defense, trying to avoid being forced to listen to Castiel bitch and moan for hours was a pretty good reason to be forgetful.

“I knew that wasn’t me,” Adam mumbles, too tired to quite pull off the vehemence he intends to show. “By the time I realized…” he shrugs helplessly, the slightest smile pulling at his lips despite his exhaustion. “Well. It was fun,” he offers optimistically.

“SO MUCH FUN!” Amy shrieks in delighted agreement, tackle-hugging Adam, utterly unbothered by his pained groan in response.

Adam rolls his eyes affectionately and wraps an arm around her, gesturing for Mel to join them. She does so, just as enthusiastic as her twin. “I think we should go to sleep, girls. What d’you say?” for all the hope in his voice, Adam knows better, and is honestly mostly amused at how quickly they let go of him and run for Michael.

Michael chuckles and kneels down to hug their daughters. “How about we let Daddy go to sleep, and the three of us watch a movie and eat pizza?”

Twin squeals of delight bounce around the room in response. Adam sends his mate a grateful look and takes the opportunity to make a dash for the bedroom. Sleep. And tomorrow, a word about places one should not leave full cups of coffee, no matter how obnoxious one’s little brother might be.

Adam falls asleep with a grin on his face, to the lullaby of his daughters and mate laughing and teasing in the living room.


Title: Plans Within Plans
Author: confetticas
Rating: PG13
Genre and/or Pairing: Sam/Lucifer/Adam/Michael, crack
Spoilers: nothing post Swang Song
Warnings: mentioned mpreg, language
Disclaimer: not mine
Word Count: 468
Summary: Death and Chuck talk. The conversation doesn't go quite the way Death expects.

“You know that sinking feeling when a plan backfires terribly?” Death quips from behind Him, not bothering to hide his amusement.

Chuck turns to shoot Death a nasty look. “How do you know this wasn’t My plan?” He asks, crossing His arms defiantly.

Death arches an eyebrow at Him. “Your eldest sons and the two younger Winchester’s have spent the last five decades using Your infamous Cage as the setting for their unending drunken orgy. I don’t think You could say anything that will convince me that was Your plan.”

“Okay, maybe not,” Chuck frowns sullenly. “How is this even fair? I don’t even want to save them anymore.”

“Oh, please,” Death looks slightly disgusted. “Of course You still want to save them. You also sound like a spoiled child. They are merely making the best of a bad situation.”

Chuck snorts derisively. “That is not even - ” He stops mid-setence, and a slow, plotting grin pulls at His lips. “Making the best of a bad situation,” He repeats, sounding awed.

Death eyeballs Him warily. “I do not even want to know,” he declares in a put-upon voice.

“Making the best of a bad situation!” Chuck repeats gleefully, bouncing on the balls of His feet, practically brimming with excitement. “Making the best of a bad situation!”

“Yes,” Death agrees slowly. “So you said. Care to elaborate?”

Chuck cackles delightedly.

Death makes a pained face. “…really,” he says disapprovingly, shaking his head.

“Just watch,” Chuck tells him, staring into the Cage intently.

Death nearly chokes. “…you have got to be kidding me,” he manages, honestly horrified.

Chuck smirks. “Nope,” He answers brightly, popping the P. “It’s been a very long while since anyone made Me a Grandfather, and after the horrifying things those four have forced me to witness recently, I ought to get something in return.”

“Grandchildren,” Death repeats stupidly. “Who will be Winchester’s and angels. You honestly think this combination is a wise idea? …Am I seeing that right?”

“Twins,” Chuck agrees, voice absolutely chipper. “See? I feel so much better now. I may even let them out in the near future.”

Death rubs his forehead, trying to fathom what he’s ever done to deserve this. “Two wouldn’t have been bad enough. You had to aim higher. Four Winchester-angel hybrids. Didn’t we just finish preventing an apocalypse? You’re so eager for another already?”

Chuck pauses again. “Four grandchildren,” He repeats, His tone verging on whining. “That’s not good enough,” He complains. Death’s eyes widen in alarm. “I think I need to go have a talk with Castiel,” Chuck declares, nodding to Himself. “Nice talk, Death. Pizza next weekend?” He offers.

“Someone kill me,” is all Death manages, and Chuck doesn’t bother replying to that with anything but a vastly amused grin before He disappears to find Castiel.


character: lucifer, fic dump, place: lucifer's cage, fandom: supernatural, genre: fluff, fic, genre: crack, character: adam milligan, pairing: sam/lucifer/adam/michael, no such thing as too much kid!fic, pairing: adam/michael, i should be asleep., verse: slamverse, character: michael, status: complete, fic: twitfic, character: sam winchester, fic: standalone

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