Avengers Prompt Meme

May 05, 2021 21:29

Okay, it's time, finally. I'm doing that Avengers only prompt meme that I mentioned awhile back and then quietly tried to forget about. :P I can't promise speed on filling for this, because I'm still slowly working my way into writing things fit for posting in this awesome fandom, but I will promise that they'll all get filled if it takes me the rest of my life!

My logic here is that having prompts from all you lovely, wonderful people will make it harder for me to procrastinate ever posting Avengers things. And also, I've spent ridiculous amounts of time failing at writing the Supernatural things that I need to write because I have Avengers on the brain. So, Avengers prompts, flist! Let me have 'em! :D

Only real rule here is that I unfortunately still fail at writing smut. Other than that, there aren't rules, go crazy, give me whatever prompts you want to give me. Pairings, I'll try anything at least once, and I haven't yet run into an Avengers pairing that made me want to run screaming in the opposite direction. Also feel free to leave as many prompts as you want, just don't hate me if it takes me awhile to get back to you with a fill.

...also, my mood says nervous because I am nervous as hell about actually posting fic for this fandom, but I'm also incredibly excited for it. *bounces excitedly*

All right, I'm going to stop rambling on now and just get to the point, which is, please leave me all the Avengers prompts you can think of, oh wonderful flist (and/or strangers wandering by for whatever reason)!

silly cures for boredom, fandom: avengers, awesome things, i should be asleep., always open for new prompts, challenge, well this sounds fun, prompt meme, things that make me smile, rambling, permanent post, status: absolutely fucking awesome, greetings

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