Thursday night.. its 10:17 p.m and i want to go to be-e-ed. I'm addicted!

Sep 08, 2005 21:35

Today was another good day :]

Latly I've been thinking a lot about my "future" if I even have one. Well of course I have one, but I've been pondering about what's ahead of me.

Does anybody else do this?

It makes me feel like I'm growing up, whether I actually am or not. I like school cause it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, like I'm getting somewhere. I've been having a lot of talks with my parents latly, and everytime they say, "You're a smart kid and sooner or later you'll realize it." I am smart, I just haven't really applied myself that past two years and I wish I did. I just lacked motivation.

But now it's time for a change.

I like thinking about whats going to happen once I graduate. It's kind of an uplifting feeling in a way. Even though I have over a year, this is what I'm thinking: Graduate high school-community college/small college-move somewhere-transfer to another college, possibly in california-eventually attend the University of Michigan. I basically have 3 goals; move to California, attend U of M at some point, and get a degree in the medical field. This obviously could all change easily, but that's my foundation I guess. I'm only worried that I'm setting too high of expectations for myself and then I'll start to fall behind. There's only one way to prevent that; don't fall behind.

Bottom line, I'm trying hard this year because I know if I don't, I'll totally regret it. My dad did the same thing I've been doing, didn't really care much about school. But he actually dropped out beginning of his junior year. Eventually, he went to U of M but it took a lot longer than it should've if he would've trie in high school. He just doesn't want me to make the same mistake, which is how I feel. I want to make good decisions and be succesfful. At the end of the day I want to say, "Ah yes, success"

kudos to another happy day. Thanks to the people that made me happy today even though they probably don't even know they did. AND- happy birthday Dimitch! good thing you can't read this, otherwise you'd be mad at me for calling you that.

Good post, good post. "Ah yes, success"

Tomorrow: Happy two months! :] :]
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