Why Me?

Dec 30, 2014 00:04

Title: Why Me?
Rating: Overall R
Pairing: Chen/Lay
Summary: Jongdae has no idea why Yixing wants him, and it bugs him

“I'm good in bed, yeah.” Yixing shrugs; there is no point denying it - he is who he is, and he can't change that. If Jongdae is ashamed to be seen with a man who's comfortable with his sexuality, then that's his problem. It stings, but he's used to people's disapproval. It's what comes of being the family disappointment. “But that's not why I want you. I'm not just coming onto you.”

“You introduced yourself to me as the best fuck you've never had,” Jongdae says flatly, expression unreadable.

He's quite proud that he doesn't flinch at the hostility in Jongdae's tone, because actually, he does like him. He really likes him. And he has no idea how to tell him in a way that won't come across as sexual, because honestly? The only thing he's really good at is dirty talk.

“That's because I am.” He tries to sound indifferent, but he's pretty sure Jongdae just thinks he sounds arrogant. Maybe it is arrogance, but when you've got nothing else but your talents in the bedroom (or the changing room...or against the wall...or over the professor's desk), you learn to be proud of them.

“Mhm,” Jongdae gives him a hard look. “If you're trying to convince me to go out with you, you're going about it completely the wrong way. I'm not really into sex in Quidditch sheds or whatever the hell it is you're into.”

Yixing can't help but smile a little at that, because Jongdae's sharp, sarcastic attitude is part of what attracted him in the first place. “I am capable of romance, you know. If that's what you want.”

Jongdae rolls his eyes exasperatedly. “What is it that you want of me?” He asks wearily, fingering his wand. “I'm really not that much of a catch, and every time you corner me, one of us seems to temporarily lose a body part.”

exo-m, lay, harry potter!au, pairing:chen/lay, chen, exo

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