Show and Tell

Mar 19, 2010 01:40

So I'm sure by now we've all done some pretty silly/crazy/funny/awesome things for Legendland, and we've seen some pretty awesome things but haven't had a chance to comment on them. So this is where you post your favourite thing you've done and then you go read through the comments and go "Ohhhh! She made that icon/banner/fic/wallpaper" that I loved! S/He's kewl people! And then you all have a nice chat about how you like the whatever, and you might actually remember/recognize a username or two later on in the weekend. :)

So post your show and tell item as a new comment and then go comment on at least one other person's show and tell item to get the ball rolling okay?

I'll start. Hi, my name is Jodie. I'm 26 and a half and what I've brought for show and tell is in the comments.
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