You Don't Need To Worry

Dec 09, 2012 14:22

Title: You Don't Need To Worry
Author: confessorlove
Rating: PG
Summary: Richard tells his youngest daughter a bedtime story and explains that she has nothing to worry about when she fears monsters like Calthrops.
Author's Notes: Written for the legendland rewatch/review challenge for episode 1x19 Cursed.

“Tell me a story,” Kayla protested as Richard tried to tuck his youngest daughter into bed.  This had become normal behavior for the little girl lately.  Richard didn’t really know why but it was draining.  Kahlan was set to give birth to their newest child within the next few weeks so as it was he was already spread thing and stressed.  Adding the extra trouble of his daughter constantly demanding stories was even more hassle but Richard took it in stride.  He was a good father and could manage whatever life was going to throw at him.

Shaking his head Richard looked down in the little girl’s eyes.  “It’s past your bedtime, Kayla.”

The little girl climbed out from beneath her blankets and hugged her stuffed bear to her chest.  “I wanna scary story, Daddy!”  Kayla might have taken after both he and Kahlan but that didn’t mean he wanted his little girl being told scary stores but before he could protest she continued.  “The Calthrop!”

That really surprised Richard and he sighed.  How was he supposed to let Kayla know that these stories were not exactly stories.  They were real.  “It’s not just a story, Kayla.  There are real Calthrops.  I’ve seen one and so has your mother.”

Kayla sucked in a gasp and looked up at her father with wide eyes.  “They’re real?”

Richard nodded.  “They are.  Calthrops are creatures that take their form when the moon rises in the sky.  Other times they appear human unless they find a way to stop it.”  As if on instinct, Kayla’s eyes darted over to the sky in order to see the moon in the window.  “I’m not a Calthrop,” Richard reassured his daughter by reaching out and tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear and pulling the blankets back up around her.  “I promise but you don’t need to worry.  If you have a way to control it then Calthrops aren’t dangerous.”

“How can they control it?”

Richard ran his hand through his hair before sighing.  His mind floated back to Cora and how she had found the way to keep her people safe.  “Calthrops can wear a Rada’Han to suppress the curse.”

“Does that work?”  Kayla seemed really curious about all these things and Richard couldn’t help but wonder why.

He nodded and smiled softly down at his little girl.  “It does work, why?  You don’t need to worry about the Calthrops, Kayla.  I’ve only met one and she was very concerned about keeping the curse suppressed so no one was hurt.”

“It’s not Mommy is it?”  The sudden worry in Kayla’s tone was obvious and Richard wrapped his arms around her.

“No it’s not Mommy.  You have never met her and she lives far away.  I promise that you don’t need to worry about this.”  Richard could already tell that he was going to be in trouble with Kahlan for telling their young daughter about Calthrops but he felt that being honest with her was the best option.

Kayla nodded a little and snuggled down against her pillows with a yawn.  “Goodnight Daddy,” she said softly.

“I love you, Princess,” he replied before kissing her forehead and going off to check on Kahlan now that their children were in bed.  Richard just hoped that Kayla was old enough to handle that story.  If she ended up climbing into bed with he and Kahlan because she was scared then he would feel horrible, although he would do anything to make her feel better, no matter what.

rating: pg, tv show: legend of the seeker, fan fic, comm: legendland, family!fic

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