A) Drabble
Title: "Even kings and queens bow to the Mother Confessor"
Prompt: "The story takes place a century in the past."
Word Count: ~794
Warnings (if any): None
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. I don't own the characters but I would plead with Terry Goodkind to continue with the First Confessor rather than using the book as a filler. -_-
Also my apologies but this wasn't beta-ed so all mistakes are my own.
Her strong voice reverberated in the grand hall where the King and Queen of Kelton received their esteemed guests. A hall with the sole purpose of showing off the kingdom’s wealth and the ruler’s goodwill to listen to his people as it was filled with seats for the nobility across the thrones and surrounded all around by landings for the "less important" people.
“King Alfred, you are found guilty of treason to your own people!”
The woman threw back her hood and pushed back her unbuttoned cloak letting it fall on the floor. The white dress of the Mother Confessor almost seemed to shine for a moment.
King Alfred jumped out of his throne his face ashen.
“What is this?! Guards!”
In the instant of the guards’ attention rising and as they were about to get mobile, more cloaks and coats were discarded around them and the nobles revealing about 20 more Confessors along with 10 wizards. Everyone gasped but the Queen.
A guard approached the Mother Confessor, his movements lined with urgency.
“Kill her!” the King shouted in panic pointing at the woman in white only to be met by a cold glare.
The guard bent one knee if front of the Mother Confessor.
“Command me, Confessor.”
Everyone was stunned.
The woman in white stood tall in the front of the room. She looked at the man kneeling in front of her and ordered in a low voice.
“Stay here and protect me from any attacks I won’t have the time to counter.”
As he stood up drawing his sword and positioning himself to her back facing the crowd, the Mother Confessor took a few more steps closer to the King.
“You have been warned, Alfred! Delegations were despatched, official letters were sent along with Aydindril investigators. Those you didn’t know about managed to return to me with their reports. I personally warned you a few months ago in Aydindril that if you didn’t take immediate steps to reverse the situation the consequences would be dire.
Winter is coming and your people starve, very soon too death. You have taxed but the very air they breathe. Your judges have either become your puppets or disappeared into the night. You are destroying your own kingdom so you can fill your palace with gold and valuable stones! In addition to that, your nobility lives in terror but not half as much as your Queen and anyone who is related to you by blood!”
Alfred stepped back, feeling for his throne before he collapsed into it. Queen Cynthia met his terrified eyes with revulsion and slowly started leaving his side. Alfred’s eyes filled with rage grabbed the Queen’s wrist before she walked out of reach.
“My kingdom is my business, Alina! What my people suffer is for their good, too. And what takes place in my own chambers...”
Alina covered the distance in mere moments, twisted the King’s wrist who yelped in pain releasing his Queen, and she placed her other hand on his throat.
“You are found guilty of treason and this is your punishment.”
Before the King could react, before he could defend himself, confessor’s magic was released. Thunder without noise clapped, turning the atmosphere thick and its delivering force pushed the closest people to the ground.
It only lasted a moment.
The King fell on his knees distraught as soon as Alina backed away. She helped the Queen up and led her to the centre of the room.
“Queen Cynthia is now your ruler” the Mother Confessor said addressing the nobles. “Aydindril will keep Kelton under supervision and provide any assistance requested in order to repair immediately as much as possible.
Anyone still interested to continue Alfred’s plan will meet exactly the same fate; this is not a threat, it’s a fact.” Alina turned to face Queen Cynthia whose eyes revealed only blankness; she was numb. Her soft voice brought her out of it.
“Cynthia, rule well. I will leave two wizards and five of my most trusted Confessors with you to secure your wellbeing and advise you until you feel safe again. But I plead with you not to follow in your former King’s steps. I would hate to deliver the same fate...”
Cynthia took Alina’s hands in hers and squeezed them.
“Thank you...”
Alina nodded and turned back to the throne where Alfred was on his knees panting.
“Mistress...” he whispered as the Mother Confessor approached.
“Tell me of any plans you had in place in case of an overthrow, secret or otherwise, finished or not.”
The words came out as fast as Alfred could handle revealing all and any conspiracies.
There would be much to be done before the Mother Confessor could return to Aydindril.
B) Graphics (6 icons)
Black & White
Favourite Character
Textless are not bases.
Do not hotlink.
Credit, if taking.