Aug 31, 2010 11:38
I came home from work yesterday and didn’t go to my classes because of pain. I was sure I’d be better today because I wasn’t sick, I just hurt for a reason that I understood and just needed to rest. Just before I went to bed last night (at 10 ish), however, I started to feel actually sick-nauseous and lots of sinus pressure. This morning was the same except worse (when I swallow, my nose hurts. wth.), so I didn’t go in thinking that if I got to feeling better I could always go in later. Sat in bed studying and doing some more homework. About when Alex got back from his classes I thought, hey I’m feeling a lot better, so I got up and started to walk downstairs… only as soon as I started moving around again I nearly lost the tiny bit of breakfast I’d managed to eat.
Seriously, body? What the hell. >.< This really needs to be cleared up by tomorrow, whatever it is.