Mar 12, 2004 16:11
Maybe try for a real entry right now... I had a presentation to do today in Ethics... I hate getting up in front of such a small group of people. I can get in front of hundreds of people on stage and act or do music, but I hate oral presentations. heh, i'm weird.
My daddy called me a little while ago! He's hoooome! at least, in the states! ^______^ The first time i've talked to him in more than a year where we didn't constantly interrupt each other because of time delays. He told me that when they were stopped on Shannon Island on the way home, he bought me an Irish rosary. *squees* Irishirishirishirish!!!! hehehe... he knows how much I love anything and everything Irish ^____^ He also said that he has an Irish Euro coin I can have if I want *squees again*
Okay I'm done for now XD