Maybe, just maybe...

Mar 12, 2010 16:59

Things might finally be changing, hold your breath and cross your fingers, I may just have jinxed it so knock on wood just to be safe!

I'm feeling happier lighter today, no more constricting chest or tears waiting just behind my eyelids for the first time in almost two months. Too bad it didn't happen earlier -_-"

I have finals next week and a black box mini-competition on Tuesday, somebody come hold my hand and bring sparkly pompoms?? As soon as my brain regains function I will be finishing off that co-write with my wifey, I had started it but it got ridiculously emo and depressing, completely different from what it started out as/is supposed to be. So I stopped and left it alone until I could get into a better state of mind, which might be now xD

My roommate and I are at eachother's throats; is my need to be completely alone in the house for one day and night every two weeks in order to get resettled completely unfounded? Please let me know if I should apologize for being a "needy bitch who doesn't give a shit about other people".

Also my landlords are selling the house, recovering from their second child has been too hard on them which is really sad :(:(:( If the new owners won't agree to the lease agreement I'll be out of a home...anyone in the Vancouver area in need of a new roommate? Remember, I cook. Delicious meals every night I'm home *nudge nudge*

Other than that, hi everybody, long time no talk! How are you wonderful people? ♥

update, homelife

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