It's Days Like These That Make You Happy To Be ALIVE.

May 16, 2005 17:45

I thought today was going to suck.
I thought the rain wouldn't let up.
I thought I would be stressed beyond belief.
The day turned nice to my relief.

It goes to show that it's all how you look at it. Today could have been negative, but for some strange reason I basked in the sun.

Late start. Cloudy day. Cramps beyond belief. No breakfast.

Trecked to Durham Book Exchange. All the books I wanted to return were going to be new editions. Well, no money for me, but at least some kid in Nigeria will now have a math book and science book to learn from. Went to Durham Market Place to get some medicine. Made me thankful that I can at least take medicine to cure me. Walked out of there and saw a car accident. Made me realize that since I don't have a car on campus, I can't crash it. Went to lunch and enjoyed my own company. Realized that I'm pretty cool. Went to SCAN office and studied French. Saw David and realized that I may never see him again, at least not for a while. Made me think of other people too and realized that we should just be ourselves and be friendly to people while they're here. Got free coffee. French exam. Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Realized that even though French can seem challenging at times, I love it. I had the fear of getting a bad grade on my test, but searching my mind for the correct French answer just gave me a thrill. Left exam and walked outside to not the expected gray sky, but one of blue and warmth. Light breeze. Then the happiness hit. I realized that today could have sucked, but somehow my mind made it great.

Now I'm listening to music I enjoyed in middle school, going to eat a sandwich from Panache here in my room as I enjoy the cool air flowing through the windows, going to study for my last two exams tomorrow, and pack some more stuff.

Wow, I wish I could feel
this light sense of happiness
all the time.
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