-- Post a list of 10 books/movies/TV shows that you've had a fannish love of at some time in your life.
-- Have your friends guess your favorite character from each one.
-- You can cross out the show/movie/book and put the character when someone guesses.
-- Following
ObanDirk’s lead, I also branched out to include "groups" instead of just specific titles
1) The West Wing
dybbuk67 Sam
2) The Belgariad
3) Doctor Who
zemiron 4th Doctor / Tom Baker
4) Monty Python’s Flying Circus
zemiron Any character played by Eric Idle
5) Lovecraft Repertoire
6) M. Night Shyamalan films
7) G.I. Joe
zemiron Snake Eyes
8) Shakespeare’s plays
dybbuk67 Titus Andronicus
9) Lost
zemiron John Locke
10) Tour of Duty