GaMe aTHeM . . . . .

Aug 23, 2004 16:19

TRuE ta Da GaMe . . .

As you Struqqle tO hustle . takinq qain after lOss . dOnt qet diScOuraqed . Just RemEmber whOs bOss . HanDLe yOur BuSiNeSs . aNd aLwayz watCh yOur baCk . dOnt sleep On tha StiCk-uP bOyz waitinq tO attaCk . aS yOu Creep thruOuqh da streetz . THe CraCk Fiendz hOlla . They ' ve dOne any nd EvEryThinq juSt tO qive u thOse dOllaz .
i hOpe it wiLL LaSt . i hOpe yOu maKe sOmethinq Of it . TiMe wiLL teLL if sOmethinq qOod Can cOme frOm it . But aS yOu cOunt da hiqhs .cOunt da lOwz tOo . nd wHateva yOu dO . fOrever Remain TruE . wHat chOiCe dO yOu Have ? itz in yOur NaTuRe . yOur OnLy FauLt iS

Beinq a PLayer !

dat was da lil poem of that book " true to the qame " dayummm dats a qood book ;]
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