Today starts Lifein1973's icon contest. So 20 icons within 20 days. And of course all icons must be made from Life On Mars -tv series and its actors.
Themes are:
10 Themes
1. train
2. hands
3. anger
4. text
5. run
6. sweet
7. rainbow
8. left
9. smoke
10. dance
5 Category - Out of Character
5 icons of the Life on Mars cast as themselves (can be just one cast member if you prefer)
5 Artist's Choice
Everything you want
Icons should be 100x100px, under 40kb and in .png, .jpg or .gif format
So I've just picked most of the pictures which I'll start to work with. I propably start editing tomorrow. I'm excited because there is a little bit of challenge in this and you really have to think about which kind of icon would win the competition. Plus you actually have a purpose to do icons and within a certain time.
I've took part in 2020's twice before this. One was with Ashes To Ashes in it's community
ashes20in20 and one was
character20n20 -community with Arrested Development tv-series character called Gob.