Okay, so last night my phone (whose name may or may not be Babycakes--ask your Flashpoint junkie friends about that one) had some sort of existential crisis--I was getting an error message every time I tried to access the browser, something to do with a Java exception. Checking the Internet, it seems most people have this problem with their address book (when it happens) but of course I had to be different. This morning's regular reboot/software update appears to have resolved the issue, but if it returns I'll either do a hard reset by popping out the battery or just go to the Bell store and ask about it. I should get a media card anyway.
Also, this upcoming weekend is Thanksgiving in my country and
sagitare, my oldest and dearest friend, is coming home for a little visit. She arrives Friday morning so I am taking the day (I feel suitably guilty about that but have been directing students to the ref desk for help) and then on Saturday we're going up home to Miramichi. I'll return on Monday, then she comes back on the train on Friday, will stay over with me, and then I'll deliver her to the airport on Saturday morning.
I am extremely excited to see her again. However, there is some question just how much touring Halifax/eating of snacks/watching episodes of Emergency! and Flashpoint (too bad the Season One DVD isn't out til next Tuesday)/consumption of Turkish food/visiting Mitzi/snuggling cats we can fit into just a couple of days.
Mind you, some of these tasks can be done concurrently, which helps.
Anyway. I need to do the spare room bed linen tonight, because I'm working late again tomorrow night. And maybe move the snow tires to a location less likely to result in tripping someone...