Wardrobe... well, not malfunction

Aug 22, 2011 13:52

Okay, so last winter I overhauled my diet. Specifically, finally alarmed by all those ads from the Heart & Stroke Foundation, I introduced vast amounts of vegetation to my diet. The had the side effect of forcing out vast amounts of other crap I should not eat anyway. I make up for the lost crap by eating out occasionally and telling myself, "Oh, you don't need chips, you're going to go out for burgers in two weeks' time!"

Because I am gullible, it's been working pretty well.

I wasn't specifically trying to lose weight when I started this, it was more about assuaging my dietary guilt. But I did figure I might lose ten pounds or so.

Yeah--try closer to thirty. There's still lots of me left but noticeably less than there used to be. This has had implications for my wardrobe:

(1) Some of my trousers, including the beloved cargo pants with homemade belt loops, are much too big for me now. Even with a belt they keep trying to get away, and of course the paper-sack effect at the waist is not the most attractive thing on earth.

Crap. (Fortunately, I recently found summer-weight but similar cargos at Old Navy, source of practically everything I ever wear.)

(2) However, I have excavated some stuff from the back of my closet that I haven't been able to wear since I came home from Texas, and I find I still like some of it very much.

In fact--a few years ago I found myself in need of a pair of whimsical capri pants (for a party at deceptivelyevil and thallid's place, I think) and bought a pair of check ones I have always liked. They were deeply discounted when I bought them so I didn't worry about the fact they really were too tight.

Guess what? Not anymore, and I am currently WEARING THE HELL OUT OF THEM. In fact, I have them on right this minute.

My knees in the capris.

My last point of wardrobe sorrow at the moment is the fact my faithful Marks Work Wearhouse flipflops are about to wear right through any minute now. I tried to replace them with a pair from Old Navy last year, but the Marks ones have a fabric upper and the Old Navy ones are entirely made of plastic. I happen to have fussy feet, or at least insteps, and the plastic uppers make my feet swell if I drive in them for too long.

I need to go on a Quest. The Quest for Flipflops. (There's a really nice looking style at North Face online, but I balk at replacing a pair that cost $5 with a pair that cost $30.)

Anyway--these are the shoes I wore every day for months when my disc and sciatica were unbearable back in '08. I probably could have used a little more support for my feet, but the fact I could put the flipflops on without having to bend over made up for a great deal.

I suppose I'm mostly just attached to the darn things. I should remember that the next time I feel like giggling at Tom Hiddleston and his (apparently-beloved) Only Black Suit. (No, really. The man has one suit. And, as sagitare recently pointed out to me, apparently no girlfriend--or boyfriend--to point out that when a suit starts to get shiny patches it's time to retire it.)

Anyway--I've given more thought to clothes in the past year (when I gained that last ten pounds and had to buy new stuff, and then when I lost and... had to buy new stuff) than I have in the last fifteen, but I assume I'm about done now.

Unless, of course, Old Navy comes out with some really cute sweaters for fall. Apparently I'm more susceptible to shopping for clothes when I am not completely depressed by what I look like in the changing room mirrors. This is something for me to keep in mind this winter, if I get tempted to start eating badly again.

silliness, food

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