Well I am a good little browncoat and got 4 other people to see Serenity on Saturday and they liked it! And they're evil critics so that like really realy good and I might be seeing it with Cate and Tania soon though Ellie told Tania a major part of the story....But still she is going to see it anyway =)
Today was school though, not very intresting though my hand is decorated with stars and such now, boredem is fun but only two weeks left and 26 days til MCR *dances*. Hmmm well tomorrow we have a history cover lesson and then i think boring lessons then a health day on wednesday...though I'm missing a good few lessons which I'm happy about, apart from art but what can you do?
Any how I'm off and oo! I made my first Firefly icons
sisterspooky be proud!
Go see Serenity!!!!
~*Be Happy Eat A Melon*~