Oct 08, 2009 20:53
While I'm on the subject of Paramore, the Islington show (which was a month ago yesterday) was probably the best 48hours of my life. The camping outside HMV with Laura and Leanne from 11 on Sunday night went so quick and despite the lack of toilets the night was pretty painless. When Hannah and Antonia joined us in the queue there was more fangirling, and excitement, camera scraping and the like. The signing itself was rushed because the band was so late, but they were all so lovely and friendly. Taylor in particular I have a new love for, and Hayley said she liked the blue in my hair, which may have made my life just a little. Hannah and Antonia probably got the epicest pictures form the signing though.
Then rushing to Islington, getting into the VIP entrance with Laura which involved going through the stage door and walking through backstage was too cool, though it would have been nice to be in the pit, but we had an awesome view. Dougie from McFly was behind me too, that was cool. (I know NERD).
The bands performance was just something else; they played their hearts out, and it was just something so magical to see. They kept looking up at us in the balcony which was beyond cool too. Decode was epic live, and I don't think that word even covers it, in particular the bit when Antonia and Hannah are screaming 'HERREEEEE' to Laura and I up in the balcony and Josh looking to them, then us, and then back down to them again. Freaking awesome. We also got the Pressure flip, Let the Flames Begin intro and outro *dies*, and the most passionate Miracle outro I have ever heard. It was definately something I won't wittness again; definatly something I will be talking about in years to come.
Paramore are just one of the bands I love that I've actually got to properly see grow, and I love to see them getting the recognision they deserve, yet part of me couldn't help but be a little sad when they announced the Wembley show. That is huge, and amazing for them, but they are no longer the little gem of a band that have yet to be discovered by the rest of the world, becaue they are being discovered by the rest of the world right now; they were in the Sun last week ffs! Islington, like Underworld will probably never happen again, and like my beloved My Chem, Paramore are gonna go on to be huge, but it's really gonna be something to wittness.
hmv signing,