May 16, 2007 20:19
so today wasn't bad
Ict started at 9:00 and was an hour long but as usual i finished after 25mins as it was multiple choice and seeing as everyone i spoke to after finished at that time too i have come to the conclusion they also want to test us on how long we can sit quietly in an exam hall.
science, well i blanltenly screwed up. everything i revised didn't come up or i just forgot at that moment cause i'm a genius. =]
so after the exams i went to the shop and then mum said we had to go homebase(fun.) but before i had to drop off my picture at the art school for the short courses exhibition
so i forced mum to come in with me cause i was too scared and i swear as soon as i got into the reception there was this cute guy in front of me
and then loads appeared! it was like beautifull
and the atmosphere was so laid back, i mean they were having a BBQ outside! and people were walking around with like a bright green dinasour model.
i want to go there so so so so so so so bad!
please let me have got atleast a good art gcse i won't care if i do bad anywhere else i just want good in art really and i know that's bad but whatever
after that we went matalan and i helped mum choose diva shades so she looks all cool in italy and i got a sequiny skirt. is sparkles!
yeah then i revised but it's RE tomorrow and normally they're ok, it's just the bible stuff i needed to revise.
we'll just see what tomorrow brings.
but i will cry if it's one of the topics we don't know about and christian beliefs on family or whatever.
art school,