I'm alive

Feb 19, 2010 22:33

Jeez, I haven't posted here forever. Like many others, I think I am better suited to the short format of Facebook, where I can toss off a one-liner without thinking about it much. But I am still reading all of you almost every day.

Part of the reason I don't post much is that much of the stuff I could kvetch about seems so paltry compared to what some people (including some of you) are going through. Despite major budget cuts where I work, I still have a secure job (at least as sure as it gets in this economy), as does rev_thumper. I could complain about some very real structural problems, but the people are basically good and it would just seem like whining, so I won't. It's not worth it anyway; it doesn't solve anything. Leadership knows about the problems. If they choose not to do anything, I'm not going to waste my energy worrying about them.

Much of my brain space in the last few months has been occupied by a dear friend's DUI and subsequent 6-month license suspension. You wouldn't think this would be our problem, but rev_thumper works at the same place she does, so he drove her to work nearly every day. We got sucked into the logistics of getting her, and her 5 year old, where they needed to be for 6 months. My advice: never get a DUI, not only because of the extreme danger, but also because it's a monumental pain in the ass. In particular, never get one in Vermont. Talk about some provincial, confusing, arcane regulations.

What else is new. Last spring/early summer we screened in and roofed part of our back deck so that we could enjoy more outdoor time during the summer when it's buggy. It then proceeded to rain all summer, so it was nice to be able to sit outside even when it was pouring. We're looking forward to using it even more this summer, when hopefully it will be warmer. The summer was cold and the winter has been unusually mild and snow-free; the snow is all passing to the south. Definitely bizarre. Anyway, the porch is decorated in a tiki theme, and it's already my favorite place in the house.

In other news, we lost one of our cats, Rufus, in September, to old age, basically. Panzer is still going strong at 19, though, curled up on one of us most of the time when we're home. We're looking forward to trips to Florida (next weekend for a massive birthday party for a bunch of our friends), Cancun (in March) and Lake George in June.

Can't think of much else. I'll try to write here more often, if I can think of something to say!
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