Apr 19, 2006 12:55
The Game: Once tagged, you must write 6 weird things/habits about yourself in a blog, & then tag 6 more people. Those 6 people must write about 6 weird things/habits in a blog about themselves, and tag 6 more people. Tell the people they have been tagged, etc. etc.
1. i almost never eat salad w/ salad dressing. there are even some salad dressings i like, but i still prefer it plain.
2. i hate feet. they seriously gross me out. i refuse to touch them, even my own, unless i got out of the shower less than 10 minutes before. as far as i'm concerned, people end at the ankles.
3. i sleep with a stuffed gorilla and his name is Monkeybreath
4. i'm allergic to the most random things in the world: mackeral, visine, and rats/mice.
5. i find it really hard to sleep w/o a tv on.
6. i love to collect notebooks and neat boxes/containers of all kinds. but i hardly ever write or store things in them.
Tagged: Paula and Jessica (i crossposted this on my iam page and tagged 4 people there)