Title: Taboo
100Quills Claim: Fenrir Greyback
Other Characters: Teddy Lupin, mention of others
Wordcount: 387
Rating: G
Summary: 17 years past DH, the start of a mini series of ficlets where Teddy Lupin gets in touch with his monsterish side.
Prompt Table Link:
Here Taboo - A prohibition excluding something from use or mention: devised by any group for it's own protection.
Questions about his father’s condition were only ever met with “It’s for your own good”, and so he had learned to keep his mouth shut on the matter. Teddy had very little detail on how and why his father had received the bite, only what Harry told him after copious amounts of Firewhiskey and what Bill Weasley revealed in the only burst of fury that Teddy had been fool enough to provoke.
Old Arthur Weasley had tried to explain it to him a little better than his son or son-in-law:
“You just don’t talk about Greyback - it’s not the done thing.”
It made no sense to Teddy, that the man whose curse ran in his father’s veins, and by that token, his veins, could not be spoken about in polite conversation. And so he had taken action. Not conclusive action, for Teddy Lupin wasn’t blessed with the bookishness of his father, but enough action that he could now sit in the dim light of his old room and peruse a small collection of papers.
There were warrants for arrest from Muggle authorities:
‘… vicious and savage human with no room for morals in his twisted mind. Do not attempt to approach…’
An old biography from an account of Voldemort’s earliest rise to power:
‘… the wolf was essential in the Dark Lord’s schemes to convert magical creatures to his allegiance, for Greyback brought with him a following of were-people eager to have what they felt deserving of…’
A prison record from somewhere in Russia:
‘Greyback, Fenrir. Male. Age undeterminable, estimated 40-50 years old. Sentenced to 6 years for GBH. Escaped 04/04/1981 - two weeks into sentence. Horrifically maimed two inmates and four guards during breakout.’
And, perhaps most important of all, a scrap ripped out of his father’s old address book.
‘Brecon Beacons. New base out in the wilds. Well hidden. Settling down to stay.
Wander for a few days. We’ll find you.
Teddy gazed longingly at this last. Why would his father have still wanted to meet with Greyback, if he truly was the despicable creature he was made out to be? What allure did he hold that made so many follow? What did he encourage his fellow werewolves to believe in?
And how in the name of Merlin could Teddy get to the Brecon Beacons?