Where did you get your suit? The toilet store?

Mar 21, 2005 22:22

About 20 hours in a car on Sunday wasn't actually as bad as you would think.

It was a combination of finishing up my stand-up for Bowie Idol, conversing with my dad about Affirmative Action, and listening to an epic Beatles CD courtesy of Robert McCurdy.

The patriarch of the family and myself drove to Durango, Colorado on Wednesday morning and got back around midnight Sunday. If you have never snowboarded, give it a try, it is one of the most fun things on the planet Earth.

I feel like Spring Break is The Man teasing us. "Hey kids, you get off and it's sunny..."

"Summer.. WHAT?!"
"Nope. Back to school."

Looks like it's about time for U.S. History, Physics, and Pre-Calculus homework.

iflovebeblind: I'm never impressed with boy's eating abilities
iflovebeblind: I'm sexist
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