DEPTHCreator(s): ~
Emushi on deviantART
Rating: G (rated by reccer)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jim...and...a hand that looks like it belongs to Spock? It could be Bones, though - but it's probably Spock.
Summary: Kirk dropped into someone's depths.
Warnings, if applicable: possible drowning
Reccer's notes (optional): I love, love, love ~Emushi's drawing style. From the shades of the water to the flow of Jim's hair, DEPTH is visceral and powerful; each nuance of expression in his eyes, features and even body language is exquisitely portrayed. I also love the fact that what's actually happening is open to any interpretation the viewer may wish.
This artist has many, many other Trek works in their gallery, and has our Jim down to such perfection that every single one is worth a look. Gorgeous, gorgeous stuff. <3