May 26, 2006 16:17

so yeah- just got hired at job number two.

I either hear small children in the woods/
or a dying animal right now.


riding my bike back from landing the new job,
I found a yellow butterfly, like the monarchs, but yellow.

It was soooooooooooooooo close to the road,
I made cars swerve so not to hit me while rescueing it.

I slammed my bike brakes so hard theres a skid mark in th drive way,

must have looked like a fool.


so it actually crawld into my hand,
I think it was in shock adn was nipped by a car,

part of it's wing was torn.

I started walking all the way up my drive way,
to take a picture,

but right beforeI got to my camper,
it flew straight in the air.

It was so cool though,
it stayed by itself un covered on my hand
for a few minutes.

the most amazing thing evr.

a butterfly in my hands.

so cool.

I am going to have flowers in my yard when I grow up,
that draw bumblebees, and butterflies,
and hummingbirds, they are so beautiful owhen theyre perched.


so two jobs.
both serve alcohol and ethnic foods.



this weekend- bout to get wasted,
while I don't have any cares in the world.

mt, biking tonight,

and I need to ask my uncle if he can buy a cushion for me,
my boney ass can't handle the seat.

sincer diary,

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