From the L.A. Times review of the Nissan Cube:
Here is one of the great unspoken truths about the drive for a more fuel-efficient vehicle fleet. It will be utterly impossible to achieve energy security or to significantly reduce greenhouse emissions unless we are able to lower the average vehicle weight. It doesn't matter if you're advocating grid-
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It is true that design factors aside the determining factors in safety are the relative weights of the vehicles and their speed, so by choosing to drive heavy cars (which on average are driven faster then lighter ones) you create a safety hazard for drivers of light vehicles, motorcyclists, bicycles and pedestrians.
The problem with trying to approach safety standards via costs is that in this situation you create a state where when one person chooses to pay for safety (a heavier car) they force everyone else to do the same in order to maintain the same level of safety. The result is an arms race that leads to heavier cars, lower fuel efficiency and no great improvement in safety. I believe this kind of market failure is called a Nash equilibrium.
The optimum situation is for all cars to be lighter. This would improve their fuel efficiency and keep safety at an appropriate level. Most of the research on Nash equilibriums shows that the best way to address them is through regulation. By imposing rules you can usually move to the higher equilibrium at very low cost and fairly quickly.
Of course the real reason we need to cut fuel consumption is because if we don't the sea will rise, the deserts will spread and staggering numbers of people will be forced from their homes - which won't be good for anyone's safety...
ps : You're mostly right about hybrids. Barring technical breakthroughs in the electric car space more efficient 'normal' cars are the way to go.
I may mount that on the wall...
Are lighter cars unsafe?
That's impossible to say. Or rather, it's a matter of personal choice. I love my Scion xB. I consider it "safe," in that I figure I'm probably roughly as likely to be mugged in New York as I am to be injured in an accident in it. I'm not as risk averse in this regard, however, as many people are.
To clarify a host of other points:
I don't think you're talking about Nash Equilibria, though you may be thinking about a specific application thereof. I'd give a more compelling counterargument, but it's hard without knowing what you're addressing. (I mean that in all politeness.)
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