Jul 26, 2007 09:24
Examining Sociopolitical Exigencies:
The Constant Struggle Of Man And The Will To Control One's Environment
I Never Have A Point So I Ramble But It Ends Up Somewhere Eventually...
Usually In The Throes Of Passive Aggresive Hostility
It's nice to be typing with a new keyboard. There was nothing wrong with the old one that prevented me from typing out entries before, but certain keys were befucked and it became a chore to constnatly adjust my typing and copy/paste certain characters. I still make tyypos up the wazoo and cant be botheres to correct them unless they're truly horrendous. (see?) Getting used ot a new keyboard is always a funny experience. You get so used to the contours of your old one that every stroke seems slightly off. This one is certainly a lot quieter and softer to the touch, so I dont have to press down as hard. Wonder how much that contributed to te clacking key factor as opposed to the keys just being clacky to begin with.
I digress.
I find that getting older and realizing life is constantly becoming more 'real' checking up on here takes up less and less time and, indeed, actual posts are becoming more infrequent. Well, posts of any substance and note that is. I'm sure some of you had noticed. Does that mean I'm growing up, growing out, stepping out and movin' on up (to the Eeeeeeastsiiiiiiide) of whatever brain niche caused me to feel the need to blather on in a blog about the inane trite shit that I conjure up in muh branez on a daily basis? ...could just be me becoming lazier. Hmph.
Kate Bush Makes Strange But Oddly Sonically Glorious Music.
I'm becoming a fixture. No, I am a fixure. People at work have been making comments about how I've been working there so long. 3 years is a long time. Certainly long enough to see the neighborhood changing, see it start to pale. It's picking up all around, but theres a charm (read: this shit is sketchy as fuck: ensue hilarity) that is disappearing and while its kind of nice to know its becoming a more stable area, the homogenization is boring me to tears. I dont think I can endure any more upper crust young buck fucks who tromp in with their pristine, sterile macbooks and shirt/tie ensembles every so subtley, but stylishly disheveled. Oh, and those weird blouse/skirt combo things that women are wearing now need to go. Everyone looks like they've ether got a beergut or are pregnant in those things. EVERYONE. It serves no purpose, but being 20 something, young and living in the frivolity of your youth doesnt serve a purpose either if guys think your water is going to break with the next errrant gust of wind.
Recently a string of regulars who I'd never really gotten to know decided it was time to finally get to know the pissy asian bartender. I feel this has occured with mixed results, mostly on my end. I would have been perfectly happy not giving a shit about most of these new cross-counter-friends. Jesus christ some of the banal stories and annecdotes I've had to listen to in the last couple weeks makes me want to puke shit and pack it in my ears until my brain is just filled with actual shit to block out the waves upon waves of mentally anguished verbal shit I've been enduring from these people. But this shouldnt surprise me to have to deal with this.
Everything at work is constantly in flux. 2 new bosses...now only 1 new boss. New co-workers, new customers, new menu items, new name soon (i think), new ways the old co-workers manage to piss me off with their never ending quest for inefficiency and the truth of how to be truly incompetent and oblivious to the concerns of those around you . Otherwise its still a great place to work. Hell, I finally have a barback. A year ago I would have never imagined needing one and now I want to cry without one (he is gone for this week so I'm back to doing it all alone).
The increased business means increased funds, which means the small savings I've been accumulating is getting less and less small and, barring certain circumstances, will be quite sufficient for me to feel comfortable getting my own place. Well, with a roommate, but I already have a friend who may want to find a place with me. I just hope my obligations dont get in the way. They do have a habit if doing so...
No Really, This Is Some Trippy Ass Music.
The Sleep Problem is getting worse. Last year my 'normal' bedtime was roughly 6 am. Now its 10 am. I still get around 4-5 hours of sleep but I'd much rather be able to get to bed before the sun is up and everyone is in their cubicles. My boss thinks its because I have too much on my mind. I need to let go. Focus on nothing, and just let go. Therein lies the problem though. I don't think I'm particularly stewed up over anything at the moment. Oh, yeah, there are always things I'm worried about, but nothing out of the ordinary. No sudden revelations that I have an identical twin brother who is really a clone generated from a stray hair. Oh, and is there ever an abundance of stray hairs now adays. I shed like a fucking...animal that sheds a shitload.
In friend news, The Poopie is moving to Florida to live with her new bf. I'm incredibly sad about this. We hadn't been spending much time together in the last few months. We've both just been busy and on conflicting schedules. I need to see her before she leaves for whoknowshowlong. I love the girl to death, but I fucking HATE Florida so getting me to visit is going to require a roundtrip ticket being bought for me. Ok. Maybe just the one way....
I havent been seeing much of anyone lately. Went to SanFran/Denver a few months ago, went down to DC last month for a weekend. Other than that I've not really seen anyone. I cant tell if I'm becoming more of a hermit, or if everyone else is. Perhaps both? I know my schedule doesnt exactly sync up with most peoples, but even with my off days being on the weekend I dont seem to be able to catch anyone other than my co-workers. I'd say 90 percent of my time spent outside of work is occupied with people from or related to work. This is starting to bother me. Not because I dont adore them, but because that mens I'm not paying attention to anyone else. This past Sunday I was supposed to go get dinner with the Powers, and that feel through. It's really starting to make me feel like a shitty friend to some people. Gotta work on that.
Speaking of being shitty to people. And flux. And WTF. And moving on. And new opportunities. And more WTF. And more flux. And more people, whether I want to be meeting them or not. And wondering. And moving on, again. And becoming content with my situation. That's all I got tuh say uh-bow't thay-ut. /Gump
Ok I Can't Listen To This Any Longer Becuase Suddenly I'm In A Jazz Mood. The Bad Plus It Is
Oh yeah. See The Fountain. Amazing. Truly amazing. Few movies have brought me to tears. I know exactly what kind of movie will and I tend to avoid them. It has nothing to do with drama, or the story pulling at my heartstrings. I could describe what it was about the movie, but that would be revealing far too much that I'm not quite prepared to let go of yet. Well done Aronofsky, well done.
sometimes i wish i had a net. i would watch the stars and catch the ones i needed, and all would be well.