Feb 19, 2009 20:45
[Filter: Public, Language: English]
DILEMMA! ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ The exam I give my students tomorrow, not here. I put it right on kitchen counter, go take a nap, wake up, and it is gone totally. Not under my coffee mug, not around my house at all! I look everywhere, and now so worried. (´∩`。) Such bad, irresponsible Shun! I deserve to be punished! 1000 lashes!!!!! ☆ ̄(>。☆)
I already lose some of papers from last time. I definitely give exam tomorrow, or else bad thing! (┳Д┳)
jeffrey jacob li,
kasumi akashi,
zzz-veronica von schauer,
zzz-lihua bian,
zzz-bishop cheng