Nov 04, 2011 08:43
I had dreams that ran together. Pretty weird.
Mattress Man
I lived in a house with a bunch of people. High concentration of younger teenagers and I am not sure if I was Carrie (36) or a younger version of myself. We were next door to the ocean. Part of the house (or maybe the house was a giant boat) protruded out into the ocean. I stuck my foot in a particular part of the porch and it was watery and full of partially degraded seaweed. At one part of the dream, i dove into the water and swam like a fish like it was no big deal. The only thing about it that concerned me were the lots of other kids who could run into me and cause me to suck in water. The big crisis was the leader of the house - a genius man not unlike Steve Jobs - was developing something like a memory foam mattress. One of the "kids" actually seemed to be a very attractive "little person". She had an expose. If you put sea water on the mattress material, it would cause your skin to bleed. So this has severe negative implications for marketing the mattress anywhere that there was saltwater present. She demonstrated it with a drop of sea water, then the genius man, maddened, demonstrated with more, a bloody mess. In the part of the dream where I swam, I had found a chunk of metal - chromey - like one of the flashy parts of a car. I was holding it near my chest as I swam. The man was furious that his product seemed to be un-saleable. He locked everyone out of the workshop and told people to stay away for a while - under threat of violence, based on the look in his eyes. The little person was pretty, with deep blonde hair - (honey colored? amber?) and she wore a dress that hid her little cankles. She seemed proportional until her dress rode up from the floor level and revealed little stubby feet and ankles.
High School
I was back at high school. I attended my first Art class. It was either the first or the last class of the day. When you were in this class, you got an "art kit" that included an old skool camera (b&w), some different drawing media, etc. When I opened the art kit, a roll of grayish paper fell out, it instantly turned a purplish tone upon exposure to light. I knew immediately that that was the film, and I stashed it away out of the light, then asked the teacher whether the film that wasn't on the outside could be used. Someone said I could use "the other side" of the film. But that made no sense. How could I load the film on a roll so the other side was facing the correct way? This was the first day of class. I experienced the next day of class too, and it ended far sooner than I expected. I asked the teacher (coincidentally, my high school art teacher) how long class was and she said 39 minutes. That seemed off to me, but maybe there were different times depending on day of the week.
There were more dreams I cannot remember. I don't know why the dreams tonight were more vivid, but possibly because I had more time to sleep without an alarm, and I got some exercise in the evening before I went to bed.