Title: One Night
Author: Concupid
Pairing: Howard/Vince
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: angst, very mild violence
Summary: Vince and Howard aren’t as successful at a nearly all female party as one would expect.
Author’s note: I won’t leave you hanging for long…
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So Vince needs and wants to know that Howard cares--but in a way, that's what he's craved all along, isn't it? Some small acknowledgement from Howard that he really sees Vince, respects him--and especially that he thinks he's special. I like that he's holding out for that gesture, especially on the heels of him musing that Howard has the power in the relationship and that, no matter how much Vince might flex his muscles, he'll always concede and let Howard pull the strings. So it's progress for him to take a tiny stand here about actually asking for what he needs and wants, even though a single compliment from Howard already has the power to make him swoon. It wouldn't hurt either of them for Vince to take some baby steps towards learning how to dictate some things on his own terms...
...and of course, Howard is totally going to follow through on that asked-for gesture. The reason for the change in his demeanor is brought into much clearer focus here: he knew he wanted Vince when he came back, and he has been thinking about it, and Howard was never really at this party to pull anybody but Vince. Vince is right about Howard being jealous, but TOTALLY wrong about the source. Howard isn't jealous of Vince, but of the people interested in him!
“I don’t write poems about you,” Howard explained softly. “We write them together, about our adventures.”
This line made me GRIN. And shiver. Because it seems to signal a kind of recognition from Howard that what he has with Vince is REAL, rather than him being infatuated with yet another unattainable idol that he doesn't really understand. But Vince is real, and so is their partnership, which is understandably scarier, but also a lot more rewarding.
Speaking of rewarding... I can't wait to find out more about that gesture! Castie is right: it's wonderful when Howard actually makes the effort to woo Vince, and I don't think we see it enough, so I am really looking forward to this. :)
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