Xoobilation Master Post

Feb 08, 2014 12:58

Title:  Xoobilation
Author:  Concupiscence66
Fandom:  The Mighty Boosh (TV Show)
Pairing:  Howard/Vince
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  explicit sex, slash, intoxicated sexual activity, drug and alcohol abuse
Summary:  Based on this quote from Julian Barratt:   “We thought of an idea where we went to a bar that served us this magic punch that made us get really erotic and we woke up the next day in bed and thought we made love. So we thought that would be a quite good episode to do that, you know, sort of the awkwardness between us.”

On Xooberon, Xoobilation is the biggest and craziest celebration of the year.  When Naboo tries to hold a version of Xoobliation on Earth, things get out of hand.  Furniture is broken, armchairs are defiled, the paps are called and Howard and Vince end up sharing a bed.  They aren’t sure what happened, and they aren’t sure if they want to know.
Author's note:  Thank you to Bluestocking79 for being my tireless beta and for encouraging me to go with this story!  Thanks to Saintli for her saintly patience and her beautiful artwork!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Find the artwork here: http://kink-bigbang.livejournal.com/98355.html

xoobilation, howard/vince, nc-17, the mighty boosh, fanart, big bangs, fanfic, fandom: mighty boosh, angst

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