I need you like I need a mother-fucking asshole on my mother-fucking elbow...

Nov 10, 2004 01:07

I am extremely glad to say.... That with every day that goes by, there is some constant reminder of why I personally choose to not give a shit about anything or anyone.

New Topic:
Earlier today, (my timings a little off), I suppose it was actually yesterday when this occured... So, let me re-phrase...Early yesterday afternoon, I took the Sc4 assessment test to figure out what level of courses would suit me best. All the test's seemed unusually easy to me... I'm not sure if this means I am an insanely smart individual (more than likely not), or that the test was just made easy to spare the slower folk's pride. Either way, I did extremely well on them. I would almost go as far as saying that I am a genius, but I wont, because these test's have no relavence...They prove absolutely nothing. Haha, they are probably some sort of secret quizzes that are made to test's the intelligence of brainless beings. If that is the case, then I am an an obnoxiously smart stupid person.

Later... I watched some extended X-file's episode with some traubadors. The creativity of the producers of this series constantly amazes me. This show is always coming up with some new inventive idea that will indefinitely have 100% of my attention, as well as putting me in some sort of suspense. Most likely, the scared-cant-sleep-at-night-suspense. Which is why I am here writing this entry(I cant sleep), I am slightly paranoid that some sort of large green (almost frog-like) alien is going to claw apart my jugular right now.

(To You)...Im sorry for my lack of words, I have not been myself lately.

"I drown in my thoughts....Alone"
-John Frusciante
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