I signed up today for Writer's Digest University's online workshop "12 Weeks to a First Draft", taught by Stephen Mertz. I figured I was tired of procrastinating and making excuses. If I paid money to someone, and HAD to turn in a section of the novel every week, and had to have the whole thing by the end of the class, I'd actually GET IT DONE. You know? Not to mention, the whole time you're learning from a successful and published author, and he critques it all by the end, so you get an insider's opinion of your story and writing talent, which I feel would be very helpful for me, in order to discover weaknesses and strengths.
There are 9 seats left last time I checked, so I thought I'd share the link to register for the class here, since I know we have a good crowd here who are trying to beat down procrastination just like me. ;) Plus I would love to know that some of you are going through this with me. Haha!
Check out the class and the outline and instructor bio here:
http://wdu.register.fwmedia.com/Course?CourseId=1084-31 I also posted this in the Resources section just in case, but thought more exposure here would be better.
Hope to see some of you there! ^_^